Game 11 Complete!
Quake 2
The sequel to one of the first fully 3D shooter, this had quite a lot to live up to. Yes, Jedi Knight 2 was on this list ahead of Quake 2 but I foolishly thought I'd be able to copy over the files from steam onto my W98 PC and play it that way, and I don't really want to play it on my proper PC, so I'm shelving Jedi Knight 2 for now (forever).
Getting it running
We're back in Windows (probably for good now) after playing Blood last. It worked just fine with my increasingly messy install of Windows 98, and I didn't patch the game.
I can't remember if this defaulted to mouse look or not but I played it with mouse look regardless. Mouse control also felt completely natural, compared to Blood and Outlaws where aiming up and down is jerky, and made it a breeze to circle strafe, run and gun and sink bullets into dudes with way too much health.
The tone continues from Quake 1, very moody (but not dark/ Gory like Blood), but perhaps taking itself a bit too seriously. I get the impression Quake Guy is a very serious hero on a very serious mission to very serious kill serious demons in hell, seriously. Where games like Duke 3D and even blood are enjoyable today through a lightness of tone, Quake, taking itself very serious feels quaint to such an extent I can't take it seriously. Zero plops were given about the plot as I played, partly because the story was given through bright green briefing screens (I think), and partly because I skipped the briefing screens as the text scrolling noise was obnoxiously loud. That's not to say the presentation and world presented in Quake 2 is bad (it's the most vividly painted so far by a long shot), I just wasn't able to willingly suspend my disbelief as I was constantly thinking beyond the story and gameplay.
Fortunately, the gameplay more than holds up, with a variety of weapons all delivering satisfying damage, except the starting pistol which I hope was deliberately made weaker than a fart in the enemy dudes' general direction. The double barrel shotgun deals "wickedbad" damage at close range, whilst the combat shotgun has reduced spread for slightly further afield enemies. The grenade launcher can get very creative kills through bouncing shots, and the high pitched "tap tap tap" of unseen bouncing shells filling me with dread is now permanently burned into my fight or flight reflexes! The chain gun rattles through its ammo incredibly quickly but deals impressive damage to a room full of dudes at close to medium range. Finally "Gun 8" (possibly the railgun?) is probably my favourite, firing slightly slower moving, 3D rounds that as you strafe you can see trailing through the air as you strafe; you need to anticipate where the enemy dude will be 1/4 of a second after you fire. It's worth noting that enemies give a specific noise once they're dead; very useful when their death animations generally last a long time.
The enemy design is also very good. I was immediately able to tell how dead I was going to be by their size, stance, movement speed and sound. The variety keeps you on your toes too, with quick (and zig-zagging) melee guys being just as much of a pain as half-talk dudes who fire slow but deadly blue twirly things. I'm not so sure about the scantily clad women who make orgasm noises when they fire a rocket though. If it was 1998 and I was 14 I probably would have thought it was great though.
Whilst key hunting takes a backseat in Quake 2, it gets replaced by backtracking and coloured forcefields. Several levels make up a "unit", which you can travel back and forth through freely, with multiple pathways between levels (can you tell I needed to use the strategy guide!) This gets particularly annoying on the last unit where I did the various steps very inefficiently and ended up backtracking back and forth several times. However, the backtracking is provided in a mission structure of goals within a level such as "find the Data disk" "re-programme data disk" rather than just "get to the end killing all the dudes".
This took a good 20h to complete, partly due to being a bit rubbish at it and partly due to the obtuse goals and trapsing back and forth around the palace and factory.
Graphics and Performance
3D acceleration baby! 1024 * 768 gaming! My MX440 finally has something to do! I got a steady 75fps, as you would hope for a game this old running on newer hardware. It did freeze when I took a screenshot, however, I soon filled up the built in screenshot folder (I was using FRAPS most of the time) so this problem stopped when FRAPS took over.
Everything is 3D, except for the odd landscape outside of a window. It feels like the first "modern" game I've played so far, especially with the high resolution. Weirdly I needed to set the resolution every time I loaded up the game, but all the other settings were remembered. It's almost as if it is permanently in safe mode.
The lighting effects are incredible for the time. I loved seeing my fire lighting up passageways, eerie red glows emit from gaps in walls and shadows... actually there aren't any shadows now I think about it. It's quite odd as even Doom had shadows I think!
The sound effects were reasonable (I particularly like the pew pew pew railgun) but, like the -
Computer Updated! Computer Updated! Computer Updated! Computer Updated! - previous games are relatively low quality sounding now. The Grenade Laun -
Computer Updated! Computer Updated! Computer Updated! Computer Updated! - cher is the exception with its wonderful tapping grenades. Especially when its the enemy firing them in groups of 5, hearing them "dink" off a wall in quick succession. Unfortunately I did not hear much of the -
Computer Updated! Computer Updated! Computer Updated! Computer Updated! - music, partly because whenever you achieve a small task you get a, you guessed it,
computer updated! sound effect that plays over and over again until you read your mission computer (F1), and partly because it played one song over and over again, and sometimes cut out altogether.
In fact this is the first game I've played with bugs. A couple of times when I quick load I'd find myself stuck half in the floor. Sometimes the background demo in the main menu wouldn't load (can still select all the options etc) or sometimes the music wouldn't play at all.
Was it fun?
Yes, definitely. However I have a feeling Quake 3 and UT99 will eclipse this in terms of gameplay.
Compared to blood, this game is simply a generational leap ahead. The 3D environments, enemy and audio design, control/feel of the game, everything (except the backtracking). If most people experienced this leap with, and because of, a Voodoo card, I am beginning to appreciate why everyone likes them so much (even if I think they're silly money for what they are today). I was going to go back to play Doom 2 at some point but I am not sure I can anymore...
Should you play it?
I took 650mb of 1024 * 768 screenshots (albeit BMP format) - that should show how nice it looks! Thanks to FRAPS I don't have to spend ages converting some obscure 90s format into a format digestible by modern PCs.
Semi-frequent texture bug for lava
I love the rockets and their trails...
...not so much when they've got my name on it.