Project gain 20lbs in 5 months - Training log

How much did you hope to gain in a week? I gain easy and i reckon 1 lean pound per month is about where im at, most of thats on my legs. How much did you expect in a week?

Well I was hoping to gain at least 2lbs a week. I've eaten a huge amount of food (not bulking huge amount) but a genuine huge amount, i can positively say I've eaten at least 3500 calories every single day. Hell yesterday i had 3000 calories just for dinner. :mad:
Well I was hoping to gain at least 2lbs a week. I've eaten a huge amount of food (not bulking huge amount) but a genuine huge amount, i can positively say I've eaten at least 3500 calories every single day. Hell yesterday i had 3000 calories just for dinner. :mad:

Well move up to 4000 cals a day next week.
IMO your routine is messed up.

You train 'back and triceps' and 'chest and biceps' but basically you are working your pecs, tris, bis, back, shoulders in both of these workouts.

I'd rather do back and biceps (pullups, rows, curls if you want) and chest/shoulders/triceps (bench, some kind of overhead press, pushdowns/extensions/flyes to finish).

Squatting/Deadlifting will put decent muscle on you, don't shy away from them.

Also don't be too concerned with weight, and rush to add calories. You want to gain weight, just eat junk food every day, it is guaranteed to work. But you don't want to simply get fat, right?

Just my 2p mate
Well I was hoping to gain at least 2lbs a week. I've eaten a huge amount of food (not bulking huge amount) but a genuine huge amount, i can positively say I've eaten at least 3500 calories every single day. Hell yesterday i had 3000 calories just for dinner. :mad:

if you gained 2lb a week, im talking lean, then you would gain, roughly, 100lb a year....

Think about it.Top BB's take up to ten years to get anything like 100lbs of muscle, and thats rammed with steroids and eating chicken 500 times a day.

A pound of muscle is a lot.You try to bulk too much too fast you'll be fat.
if you gained 2lb a week, im talking lean, then you would gain, roughly, 100lb a year....

Think about it.Top BB's take up to ten years to get anything like 100lbs of muscle, and thats rammed with steroids and eating chicken 500 times a day.

A pound of muscle is a lot.You try to bulk too much too fast you'll be fat.

now that you put it that way....100lbs a year certainly is a lot :D
Barbell shoulder press 10,8,4 ........... 95,105,115
Leg press,2............................190,210,230,250, 270
Hangcleans 3,8,7,7..............................115,95,105,105

Hangcleans and powercleans are my new favorite exercise.
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After meeting with some football players and talking to our trainer, I've decided on the following workout:

Leg press 10,8,8,6,4
Front Squat 8,8,6
Shoulder Press 8,8,6,4
Hang Clean 8,6,6,4

Lateral pulldowns 10,8,8,6,4
Straight bar rows 8,8,6,4
Deadlift 8,6,4
Pull ups: 3 x F
Triceps extensions 8,8,6,4
Dips 3 x F

Dumbbell Bench: 8,8,6,4
Incline bench: 8,8
Hang Clean 8,6,6,4
Hammer curl 8,8,8

Not much different just some more olympic lifts in there.
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Your main leg exercise should be Squat, do 4 sets of that. Why have you got 2 rows on Thursday? One is enough, substitute the other with a different lat exercise like pull downs. On Saturday if you're going to throw a bicep exercise in, try something like Ez bar curl or seated dumbbell curl. Hammer curl is good, but only when used in conjunction with other bicep exercises. The volume for chest seems very low, how do you hope to build muscle with 6 sets?

Personally I'd opt for a 4 day split, you'll be able to hit the muscle groups much better than you are now. Doing 3 days it looks like you are selling yourself short of a full workout. Something like

1: Bicep / Quads
2: Chest / Abs
3: Back / Calves
4: Shoulders / Triceps
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How many sets of chest do you recommend?

Also, would something simple such as:

Tuesday: Heavy
Front squat
Straight bar row
Bench press
explosive shrug

Thursday: light
Front squat
Straight bar row
Shoulder press
explosive shrug

Saturday: medium day
Front squat
Straight bar row
Bench press
explosive shrug

be just as effective?
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Aiming to kill your traps?
Why no chins / lat pulldown?
Only front squats, why no ham work?
Have you read a magazine called muscle & fitness? Its the no.1 seller of fitness mags in the world ... should be available at your local shop.

Have a read & follow the training splits and diets to get a perfect routine.

Really good magazine loads of useful info, really worth buying

Aiming to kill your traps?
Why no chins / lat pulldown?
Only front squats, why no ham work?

Thats just based on billstarrs big 3 football workout

Cleans, squats, bench

I cant do back squats so I switched it for front squats.

The problem I'm having with this split is, every athlete here does a fullbody three times a week and it usually just consists of things like bench, deadlift, squat, powercleans and rackpulls.

So I keep doubting the routine Im doing, I just don't believe working things once a week is going to get me any where soon.
Don't pay attention to what people are doing around you, focus on your training! There are many different routines that work, and some more than others. Can you put another day into your training and crack on with a decent 4 day split? it will make one hell of a difference. The main problem with doing mostly compound movements is that you have to lift pretty damn heavy to stimulate the supporting muscles, which is why when doing a split you know you've given each muscle a good beating.

Working things once a week is perfectly fine. If you hit them as hard as you should be, they'll need all that rest to be good to go again. I can vouch for this, I train each muscle part once a week, but it doesn't mean they aren't used in other days e.g. biceps are used on back days, triceps on chest days, etc.
Have you read a magazine called muscle & fitness? Its the no.1 seller of fitness mags in the world ... should be available at your local shop.

Have a read & follow the training splits and diets to get a perfect routine.

Really good magazine loads of useful info, really worth buying


Its worth buying why? so that you can read it in the loo?
More and better more individual information is available online from many resources.
Mags like that say the same thing year in year out.
Its worth buying why? so that you can read it in the loo?
More and better more individual information is available online from many resources.
Mags like that say the same thing year in year out.

Im not saying buy it every month, so what read it on the toilet ... on your lunch break or whatever. Why not get information and tips from the leading body builders and fitness freaks?
You know its legit and also ........ you don't know who your asking for info from on the net it could be some skinny geek or some noob that thinks he is gods gift? Also there is a greater chance you could receive bad advice on the web??? Of course you will get some good info too but anyway ...... why question a perfectly reasonable suggestion?:confused:
Im not saying buy it every month, so what read it on the toilet ... on your lunch break or whatever. Why not get information and tips from the leading body builders and fitness freaks?
You know its legit and also ........ you don't know who your asking for info from on the net it could be some skinny geek or some noob that thinks he is gods gift? Also there is a greater chance you could receive bad advice on the web??? Of course you will get some good info too but anyway ...... why question a perfectly reasonable suggestion?:confused:

You are getting information from a source that has advertising and legal obligations. Penty of top bodybuilders and nutritionist post on forums and their own websites. For example, one member (a mod and i think founder) of muscletalk writes an article in M&F each month.
The articles and nutritional information is very general, the info you can get online by asking specific questions will be much better for you.

Unless there is something specific that you want to read about in one of these mags, dont bother imo.
You can't do normal squats, but you can do front squats, power cleans and hang cleans? :confused: (oh and how are you doing cleans if you won't deadlift?)

could be because of ROM, i have a much better ROM doing fronts than backs.

as for not doing deads, he is scared of his form. should really get that looked at rather than shying away from them though, especially as cleans need very good form!
You are getting information from a source that has advertising and legal obligations. Penty of top bodybuilders and nutritionist post on forums and their own websites. For example, one member (a mod and i think founder) of muscletalk writes an article in M&F each month.
The articles and nutritional information is very general, the info you can get online by asking specific questions will be much better for you.

Unless there is something specific that you want to read about in one of these mags, dont bother imo.

Many internet sites have advertising and legal obligations too and can be bias towards certain things also. I think the mags are a good source of info and easy to pick up and read on the move or whatever, just a suggestion from me anyway :)
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