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I wouldn't know where to start calculating that, it's going to be flow dependent for one thing.
That's true, though the flow rate (velocity) of the water in the 4.8mm ID tubes is about a sixth that of the water in the 1/2" inlet since the cross-sectional area of the 48 combined tubes is 868.6mm^2 vs 126.7mm^2 for 1/2" tube.
Assuming laminar flow?
Yes, based on a quick and dirty pipe-flow online calculator. But it doesn't have the function of introducing bends, so it's based on straight pipe.
I had a brief play with numbers, and the closest I could come was the resistance of the 49 tubes is about half that of 1" inner diameter tubing based solely on ratio of cross sectional areas.
The pressure drop of water in a straight circular tube depends upon the tube diameter, length, and volumetric flow as given by the Poiseuille equation (delta P = (8 x mu x length of tube x volumetric flow)/(pi x tube radius^4).
mu is the dynamic viscosity (Don't ask me what it is exactly!). So halving the tube radius increases the resistance 16-fold. Who'd have thunk that basic fluid dynamics we were taught for haemodynaics would come in handy?!

Flow down 4.8mm tubes is going to be pretty turbulent at the best of times, which is great for heat transfer but ruins me mathematically.
It's actually the other way round - larger diameter tubes actually convert to turbulent flow at lower flow velocity, because there's a bigger difference in velocity between the 'laminae'. I'm not worried about turbulent flow - there may be some at the bends, but it'll soon re-establish laminar flow after the bend. What does concern me is the frictional pressure loss from the sheer surface area the water is in contact with, and the length of the tubes (around 120-130cm).
How big is the copper structure? It's very hard to judge from the pictures.
39.5cm x 45.5 x ~45 atm (some tubes need trimming).
If possible, which it looks like it might be, Id suggest (after vinegar) putting a ring of solder around each and every joint, then sticking the entire structure into a household oven at 230 degrees. If it fits, all you have to do is check every couple of minutes and the entire thing will solder itself together for you. if it doesn't fit, befriending the local pottery group and borrowing their kiln would be an alternative.
Good suggestion!

A kiln would no doubt have no problem though, since I'd think they use a heftier heating element, though I could be wrong.
I had thought about getting it put into an oxygen free oven, but I can't find anywhere vaguely local, and it would probably cost a fair bit to get them to stick it in the oven..
Heating it with a blowtorch will require a massive blowtorch or considerable ingenuity. Soldering a heatsink is, as you've noticed, not so easy. How does sitting it on an electric hob sound? Keep all the copper reasonably hot, turn a blowtorch on the part you're soldering. Heat wont dissipate anything like as fast if the temperature gradient is less
Don't have an electric hob unfortunately. I'll try the blowtorch and let you know how I get on.