Project: Hush! - updated 26/12/23

oh thats my bad sry.
I still need to finish off the CAD files for Tom, will give it some time now.
Thanks Ben! I spoke to Robin - he says he needs it saved as a .dwg file to convert it into G-code for milling. I sent the plates back home a few days ago.

Just ordered silent components to go in it as well; should hopefully give a proper update christmas/boxing day. :)
Oh so he wants it as a 2D plot?
Not sure how to define the depth like that.

Im using ProE to model, got these file formats available:
Part .prt
IGES .igs
SET .set
VDA .vda
Neutral .neu
STEP .stp
Cosmos .ntr
STL .stl
Inventor .iv
Wavefront .obj

Any of them useable? convertable?
I can save it as a .dwg but have to convert it to an engineering drawing first and Im not sure its actually intended for such uses.

EDIT: turns out .dwg can be 3D data too, should be able to convert one of the above - hopefully.
It sure is impressive, definately keeping my attention, every time I get an email update on this I keep checking :). Looking forward to seeing it progress, mods of this magnitude take quite some time and those types are usually always the best mods, if I had more money I'd have a dabble at water cooling, but too scared of damaging parts from leaks as I wouldn't be able to replace them immediately, so I aim for getting the best from air, I'm a wuss lol :p.
Ben - are you able to convert/save the files (or indeed is anyone?!) from .srt or .prt files to .dxf files instead? Robin can't convert them at the moment, only view them, as he says they don't contain vector info in the files. His conversion program can view the files and rotate them but that's all.

I have the files but my program is saying there is no vector info in the files . The conversion program shows a nice picture of your design

Which you can rotate but and look at but that’s it. The file size is very small .ummmm….. From what I have read so far is the cad file needs to be exported as a .DXF with all vectors info which can be done from AUTOCAD , perhaps you could ask your friend this type of export. The software did not like the other types either . { only the .stp but I don’t think there is enough data in it. } fine if you want a 3d model to look at .

Argh - need him to do the cutting before christmas really! Anyone have access to autocad?!
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yep - I have autocad - and happy to help (just not upto date with the thread - reading now)

Is the end result to get a 3d solid from Pro-E to .dwg format.
or is it a flat plate with cutouts?

For the quick googling I've just done - dwg in is much easier
and Pro-E exports 2D dxf and dwg's

Happy to clean up the file but at this point I've no idea what that are?
can you/Ben post up a sketch (or e-mail me if you want it keep it private at this time)

Also is Robin only able to read dwg? the machine must be able to read a few more file formats that that.
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What prog are you using to convert to G code?

We model in pro-e then use edgecam to put the milling on it, all works in 3d quite well.

Pro-e can output iges files too, can he read them? they are what most companies we send to seem to use.
Pro-e can output iges files too, can he read them? they are what most companies we send to seem to use.

I think thats what we normally use too. Seems to work well whenever Ive done it - well enough not to pay attention anyway :rolleyes:

Ive tried exporting as .STP again but with alternative settings, hopefully that will work with his software.

Im going to look into some other conversion software now.
If I knew what machine he was using to mill it I might be able to put some G-code on it for him.

What version of Pro-E are you on m8?
If I knew what machine he was using to mill it I might be able to put some G-code on it for him.

What version of Pro-E are you on m8?

It's a homemade, built from scratch lathe so if the G-code needs to be milling-machine specific then I don't expect that would work. :( Thanks for the offer though.
G-Code is reasonably standard but it does vary slightly form machine to machine, we have a HAAS machine & a Yang & although the basic code is the same some of the drilling cycles are a bit different.

I'm on hols now anyway but gl with it, if you need a bit of help with 3d CAD just give me a shout....when I'm back at work lol.

BIGBC WF4 looks nice, I ran the demo of it when they were trying to sell us it, in the end though it was deemed too expensive for now :( We are STILL on WF1 lol, mind you it does everything we need it to, more or less.
Yeah WF4.0 is nice, but the major functionality is pretty much the same. Made the menus a bit more user friendly but some of the features are still using WF1.0 layouts.
5.0 is out now, think they are tring to sell us that now.....not a hope with the current situ lol.
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