some great pics there and nice 2 see a pussy in there
thanks very much
some great pics there and nice 2 see a pussy in there
Looks great!
thanks, your opinion means a lot to me
RE cable management, have you considered keeping the bottom 5.25s free to bunch up and unused cables?
the only thing in the bottom 5.25 is the front panel and fan controller - so i guess i could
If your PSU has the option, you could also buy short cables for it
cant unfortunately
looking awesome panyanI love the look of the hyperx drives, I'd love to get one of those or an m4
Well feel free to ask me about either as Project: Othello uses a 128GB M4
tealc is awesome, he helped me when I was looking into rgb strips,
ooh, tell me more![]()
Middle panel? (the bit where it's flat, seperating the two compartments)
Looking like a really nice build, good to see some more tj07 love on these forums.
thank you
With the fluid looking lilac-ey could you not get some blue dye and drop a few drops in to make it more blue-ey?
im hoping to contact mlwood and see what he can advise
Regarding the cable management - The general consensus is to cut a piece out of the mid tray behind the motherboard tray to put the cable in when the side is on. I cut a hole between the slider for the motherboard tray and the upright at the back to slot the cables through like so
This is a very good idea, thank you for the suggestion and the pics
I have seen someone else do it but just cutting a section out including the upright part that I left. I thought it was rjkoneill but just quick search through his thread he did the same as me so don't know who it was. As the rig is set up and running, this way is probably your best option as you could cover up your components and cut out a section in the back quite easily.
by the end of the year i am planning to rebuild the system as im interested to see:
- if the blocks have corroded
- if the coolant has faded
- if the plastisizer in the tubing has leeched
- if mayhems pastel coolant stains the acrylic
I also have a brand new mobo tray from silverstone that i will replace the bodged one im currently using - when i do all that, i will dremel some holes for cable management as per your suggestion
Glad to see you got it all working well Panyan. You've also done a good job of sleeving it up.
thanks, i was going to go with blue paracord like normal but it wouldnt fit over the heatshrunk connections between the wires - so went for the classic black sleeve
How are those 5050 LEDs? Bright enough for you?
Yes, 5050, just like you suggested - at 12 volts they are blindingly strong!
I usually have them around 8/9 volts
Oh and thanks for the e-mail to let me know of the update to the project as I might have missed your kind words otherwise.
my pleasure - I really appreciate your advice