This build looks insane..!!
Why thank you Sir, that means a great deal to me
lot of your pics aren't working for me.
if there are other reports of this, ill look into another hosting method
Shame about the TJ-07 i liked that build, especially the side psu mount.. man these modern cases make stuff easier and prettier than they were last time i watercooled, in the infancy of WC
I have mixed feelings about the TJ07. If i am ever in a position where i have enough money to do a complete overhaul on her, ill look into it.
Love what you've done with the cables - the "stitches" look amazing.
thanks you very much
Just found the rig you "took" that from...
Ive never even seen that video 
I watched that guys video tutorials for cable stitching, but never seen that particular vid
very tidy....
Right then guys, this will probably be my last photos for Project: Indigo.
I have finished the 800D build. I did have a little issue with the mobo: it refused to boot if there was any RAM in the first two DIMM slots
Anyway, the build is at a place that I am happy with and I am hoping it will serve me for a good while to come
Because of the bad weather (too hot

) i haven't even attempted overclocking. When the weather gets back to normal ill attempt some overclocking and if it is decent, ill post it up
Tealc's circuit with the MSI bios is working quite nicely:
Tealc's Circuit set on Medium
MSI bios: 50 degree target, 32.5% minimum
This means that most of the time the machine is SILENT and i do mean it - ive never heard a machine as quiet as this. The temps at idle are 10 degrees above ambient and rise to ~25 above idle at load.
The machine had never been over 50 degrees as the bios is set to speed up the fans as the system approaches 50 degrees. I was worried at first MSI's implementation of PWM would play havoc with Tealc's circuit but they have worked together beautifully
Enough blathering, here are the photos: