Project: Inverse by StevenG - Updated 29th April

25 Jan 2006
Gateshead, Newcastle
Okay so most of you will know i had to put a hold on my previous project due to me losing my job.

i had then sold all my gear to pay some bills for the time i was without any income. now im back working again it calls for a new project.

i think most of you will know its a Lian Li Case with some pretty decent watercooling in there.

i chose the name because its the opposite of what i would usually do with projects but i have a mac mini at the moment and quite like the silver/white sleek look.

i'll leave it at that for now and let you try and guess what i'll be doing.

Budget is around 1.8-2.0K
its now going to be I7 (since i found a nice board)
it IS going to have a 4870x2

the case at the moment is being bought which will then be ripped apart and and have the internals powdercoated and a few light mods to accomodate my rads.

thats all for now. keep an eye out for any updates.

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You're porting the mac mini internals into the Lian Li aren't you? :p

tbh i could have put the mac mini into the case along with a full pc setup. but sadly the mac mini has been sold (albeit for more than i paid so im happy)

Small Update...

Specs have been changed to i7 as i found a board i liked in stock at another shop.


Case, Mods and Powder ordered. should be going out to powder monday / tuesday.

the case is a Lian Li PC-A70a (silver) but will be coming out a totally different colour. both the insides and out are being coated but the colours i'll leave that as a surprise.

im currently waiting on some more money coming in with which i'll be buying the Feser Quad & Dual rad to go into the case along with all the other watercooling parts.

after that i'll be looking at about the 2nd week in march to get the rest of my gear so should be finished by the end of march i would have thought.

i'll keep the updates coming once i have them.

Small Update.

Some parts arrived so i thought id give them a test...

believe it or not this is the £300+ P6T6 WS REVOLUTION motherboard, 3x2GB Dominator 1600 and the i7 920 CPU.


The board cpu and ram all work fine. waiting on the PSU and HDD coming today so i can get my 4870x2 in there aswell and get some testing done on that :D

my case is on its way to the powder company so should have it back within a week or so.

i'll keep you updated of my progress :D

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I wish I had that kind of money to spend on a motherboard. :(

Oh and why are you sending your case to the electricity board? :p

No real update. just to say ive done some testing. with 2x 4870x2's im getting 25,000 3DMARKS in 06 with a 3.7 OC on stock air (not advised lol)

should have my case back soon so i can start/continue the project.

2x 500gb 7200.12 single platter drives in a 160gb formatted partition for my vista install.

just got some of my case back so thought id upload some pics...

still waiting on some blocks from germany for my board before i can start building.




should have some more pics / updates next week.

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