Project : Ive quit smoking so had to spend some £

Need bench marks and temps!

for some reason, when I set bios to monitor cpu fan it says its not working ;)
fans on rad are connected to it - and they work :)

so I had to switch monitoring of it off....still can set its speed in windows...

any how...cpu temp in idle is around 40 (not sure why so much)
gpu around 40 as well.

dont have any games installed at the moment , maybe will get to it today and see how the temps will change
Well you don't have a CPU fan now! that is why bios is giving an error. Many mobos will see it as you have not connected your Air cooled Heat sinks fan. But since you have water cooled, you can either disable it as you did, or connect any other fan to it so bios would not be "confused"
Some pumps have a wire to read the rotation speed, you will have to check if your pump has this, if so you can connect it to the CPU fan header.

Can you do some google-fu and see how the temps are for watercooled Phenom II 965s?
CPU370 is just a tiny bit better in temps than a full nickel EK supreme HF. Also your loop will be a tad bit "warmer" because of the GPU cooling as well,(Compared to a cpu only loop - but not by much)
How hot is your room temp?
When I had my Q6600 overclocked to 3.24 and HD6950(unlocked and Overclocked), it was about 3C higher than room temp for the CPU and 7C higher than room temp for the GPU (room temp around 20C)
You should not compare 2 loops directly as many aspects are different, but you can get the rough idea.
Well you don't have a CPU fan now! that is why bios is giving an error. Many mobos will see it as you have not connected your Air cooled Heat sinks fan. But since you have water cooled, you can either disable it as you did, or connect any other fan to it so bios would not be "confused"
Some pumps have a wire to read the rotation speed, you will have to check if your pump has this, if so you can connect it to the CPU fan header.

Can you do some google-fu and see how the temps are for watercooled Phenom II 965s?
CPU370 is just a tiny bit better in temps than a full nickel EK supreme HF. Also your loop will be a tad bit "warmer" because of the GPU cooling as well,(Compared to a cpu only loop - but not by much)
How hot is your room temp?
When I had my Q6600 overclocked to 3.24 and HD6950(unlocked and Overclocked), it was about 3C higher than room temp for the CPU and 7C higher than room temp for the GPU (room temp around 20C)
You should not compare 2 loops directly as many aspects are different, but you can get the rough idea.

have no idea what my room temp is ;)

on cool start and using PC for internet/doc's ant this kind of stuff, GPU's temp stays around 40 degrees so eventually CPU will get to this temp as well.

Played crysis2 for w while yesterday to see GPU's temps.
Case is all closed, fans on rad are on minimum (20-30%) and max temp was 52degrees. so I think it is preety good specially that on stock fans and rads, GPU was way over 60 if I remember :)

need to get some apps to stress cpu and gpu...will do both at once and will see how it goes :)
made some stress tests...
furmark a 2x orthos to stress all cores

with fans on rad at 40% gpu temp went up to 65degrees and on CPU to 55
once changed fans to 100% temp dropped to 58 on GPU, adn 49 on CPU...still dropping but its getting warm in the room so will stop the test :)

so what you think about temps ?
Could you please re-post some pics of the Graphics Card? I've got the same card and am wondering exactly what you did with the VRAM!
Could you please re-post some pics of the Graphics Card? I've got the same card and am wondering exactly what you did with the VRAM!

sorry for late reply!

what have I done...nothing :) take cooler off and you will see a metal plate that covers all memory banks.
leave it as it is and just use gpu block(like mine koolance gpu220 )
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