I'll stick with the cable ties for now as they aren't too obvious, might change the clear(ish) ones for black. I've been thinking about changing the case since i moved to water cooling as it is very cramped in the 690.
I needed too many of them to make it worth swapping due to the cost involved. The problem i had wasn't caused by barbs, but my own stupidity of taking the tubing off and then just putting it back on. (a mistake i won't make twice)Why didn't you get comp fittings?
Seems that the creators update hasn't solved this particular issue, which is unfortunate. Still, my 780 has been running faultlessly in the 990FX system and the HD6850 has been faultless in my x79 system. I've hammered this poor 6850 now for nearly 3 weeks and to be fair to it, it manages with a lot more modern games @1080p than I'd expected considering that it only has 1GB VRAM. (I do have to run them at normal for the most part with no AA)Got to be worth waiting it out for the "Creators Update" to Windows 10 before splashing out on more hardware (pun not intended!).
Creators update (insider release) has fixed a lot of instabilities with my Dell Inspiron 15" (which were Nvidia related problems), so it might do the trick for you. Alternatively you could sign up as an insider and get the build now (not sure it's worth it now as the watermark/build numbers have been removed, so the release must be imminent).
Lovely looking build though, great colour scheme.