Project:- Liquid Skeleton

That is indeed the delightful Miss Fox, and not Mrs Dubs. Although i do have to say I'm very lucky to have Mrs Dubs as she is most definitely out of my league.

She came down the stairs the other day in a little black number with high heels and stockings. She brought me cold beer sat me down and told me to relax. With a wink she said that when she came back she would give me "what she did best".

Brilliant I thought

I Flippin love Shepherd's Pie.

Right back to business

The braiding continues (I did say I had a bit of a thing for it didn't I)

Taking apart and cleaning up the RAM fan and HDD fan ready for re braiding in Black







I'm so sorry to bring this up but that is the best ****ing thing I have read on this forum TO DATE.
You sir, are my hero. Mind if i sig that?
Had a lot of "reminds me of robot wars" but never the Dyson.

You sure you're getting enough sunlight? :)
Get the bug Tokin!!! We have shown you what we have done, you should have more than enough inspiration now....

Heres one more bit of inspiration (sorry G-Dub)

no worries matey. I think your work is fantastic, and anything that spreads the word re what a great case this is is fine by me.
Hang on guys I've already got 2 mods on the go at the moment.

Mrs Dubs has already threatened seperate beds!!!
But then you could be modding or on the computer I missing something??? Lol jk, were just coming up with your next mods for you that's all!!!
can't believe that I wasn't subbed to this thread :eek:

one thing I have to say g-dubs, put the 8pin power underneath the motherboard to clean up some cable management :p
can't believe that I wasn't subbed to this thread :eek:

one thing I have to say g-dubs, put the 8pin power underneath the motherboard to clean up some cable management :p

My aim was to make a eature of the cabling in the same way as making a feature of the tubing. In a case such as this where it's very hard to hide the major cables I thought i'd class it as a stregth of the case and bring them to the fore, hence the use of the contrasting colour anti kink coils.

One thing I did do though was hide all the front panel cables, which as you know, ain't easy

What pump/res is that and what is the yellow thing its situated on? Thanks :D

It's a DDC 18W model the res is an EK pump top res combo I think. Hard to remember it's been a while since I did it.

yellow and black looks very nice, the watercooling is amazing

Many thanks my friend.

The whole lot is probably going to be sold pretty soon, as i'll be needing to fund the watercooling for the Modzart which will then end up as my new desktop.

Be sad to see it go but things move on don't they.
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