Project:- Liquid Skeleton

Been busy testing all the fans following the epic re wiring session. Glad to say that all are running well and in the same direction (always a plus) and no burning smells (bigger plus)

Very close to bringing this to fruition now just got to grasp the nettle and get the cpu block fitted.

after that it's just a matter of getting the fans hooked up and the arch back on.
I've been away at my sisters for the weekend, but did manage to get a bit of work done before I went and left it to dry in the garage (the colder it gets the longer it takes).

Originally bought chrome allen head bolts, but decided they'd look better colour coded to the rest of the job so decided to spray them matt black.

I could have bought some more, as they're not too expensive, but thought i'd see how this went. If the paint comes away when I tighten them I can always pop an order in.

Place sanded and prepped items to be painted on a strip of tape


Add another layer of tape and sandwich between two blocks of wood.


Undercoat and then top coat, then remove from the tape and wood. It's quite important the paint doesn't go down the threads as it will make a mess as the bolts are screwed in.


You'll probably make a mess of the of the paint when you go sticking the allen key in there. You might get away with it if you shove the allen key in once or twice but I doubt if paint will stand up to much punishment. Good luck though.
I've never been a fan of the skeleton, but I must say that your build actually makes it look really good :)

Cheers Centurion, I've been following your build with interest and having seen your work think praise from you is praise indeed.

@ adam_castell. Cheers for the advice, I'd never thought of that but makes great sense. Sounds like one of those "trade secret" things.

Failing that I've got some Humbrol matt black paint I can always touch up with.

Currently trying to find some little feet for under the fan controller. I'd like something that's soft and perhaps looks like mini hi fi unit feet. The alternative is blue-tack!!!
Something of an hiatus in activity as the next step was to take everything apart which I couldn't do as I needed the pc for work.

So first job, (with a lump in the throat and a sweat on the hands) was to take off the mighty Fenrir.




Not too much dust on the sink. Not bad for a years use when you think we've also had builders knocking the crap out of the place for 3 months.


Way too much TIM used me thinks. Bit concerned about the patch in the middle. It would appear that the very centre is the only place the sink was really making contact. Figure either a domed CPU or a domed sink. Still seemed to do it's job though. I've used way less TIM on the waterblock so see how it goes.


All cleaned up and ready for it's new friend.

Bit more dismantling

Mobo out ready to fit the block


That's all for now but should have some more pictures up later as i'm dedicating today to completing this.

Just have to pop down a certain electronics store for a molex splitter (50 mile round rip but that's dedication for you).

Do please check in later for more activity on the build.
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Cheers sunjoo, It's been a real labour of luuurve.

Bit of a learning exercise too, as I've never watercooled before and, well, there aren't too many "how to" guides when it comes to water cooling the Skeleton.

A bit more progress as promised,




So where am I at progress wise???

Right about here!!!

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MMmmm yummy :)

I so need a lottery win to fund something like this!!

Cheers enigma. I guess if i added it all up it'd probably come to a fair few bob. although it has been built up over a period of time and I have also been fortunate enough to have attracted some very generous sponsorship.
Cheers enigma. I guess if i added it all up it'd probably come to a fair few bob. although it has been built up over a period of time and I have also been fortunate enough to have attracted some very generous sponsorship.

Was this due to your appearance in PC Format?
Was this due to your appearance in PC Format?

No, I managed to get it before that feature, but with luck it might help attract a little more "every little helps" as they say.

Edit: A few more pics as promised




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As you can see the CPU block is now attached to the mobo so time for final power off leak testing before going live.

This is the first time the CPU block has been in position so it's reassuring to know I calculated the length of the tubing correctly. Either that or I got lucky, you decide.






RAM cooler and GPU fitted to mobo



And finally the GTs all painted up braided and purty looking go onto the Phobya Rad.




Looking good Dubs. I do like those nice shiny GTs in yellow.

Such a shame about the big strip of red right in the middle of the case though. Not quite sure how that could be modded without invalidating your warranty. Yellow vinyl sticker maybe? Or would that look awful.
Looking good Dubs. I do like those nice shiny GTs in yellow.

Such a shame about the big strip of red right in the middle of the case though. Not quite sure how that could be modded without invalidating your warranty. Yellow vinyl sticker maybe? Or would that look awful.

Yeah I'm quite pleased with the fans. If you remember back in the thread I was asking whether to do them in yellow or to paint the blabes silver with black inner cowling and yellow outer cowling as per the other fans on the build. I thought the latter might look too busy which was the opinion of a fair few others so yellow was chosen and I have to say I'm glad I went with it.

Re the Red, If you mean the GPU, it won't be seen when it's all together as it will be facing upwards under the main fan so i'm not too bothered.
Nearly there, we now have working fans controlled via the custom fan controller. There was a concern that the heat sinks in the zalman fan controller would not be able to dissipate the heat doe to the unit being enclosed in a drive box. I'm glad to say all is fine. There was also a concern that the transistors attached to the sinks might be pnp type and as such make the box live. Again glad to say all is good. Lady luck strikes again.




Wow, using coils on the psu tubes is an epic idea. Well played sir, I love it :D

Cheers Centurion. If you mean the yellow anti kinks on the cables from the PSU, I've had it like that for a while now. The thing about the skelly is you can't hide the major stuff so it's best to make a feature of it. I have some yellow anti kink for the black tubing i've used but am tempted to think it looks better without.

FiveOfTwelve Its the neatness of the pipes that I like. (don't know how to multi quote sorry)

Cheers fiveoftwelve. As I said above you have to make a feature of things with this case. it's my very first attempt at watercooling and there's very little referrence material out there, so it's very much make it up as you go along.

I've designed the loop so that the arch section of the case can be removed without having to disconnect anything.

The build is actually completed now, i'm currently trying to borrow a decent camera to take some nice shots of it.
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