Well guys you know what time it is... yup its update time
Sadly this update has been a bit longer in the making, down to me being a bit busy and a bit lazy.
Thanks very much so far for all the comments everyone has left this project on the 9 forums that it is posted on. All the comments have been very favourable and a lot of people have said they will be keeping their eye on it
That said, a few people have brought a few design ideas and a few faults to my design that i had either overlooked or just didnt notice.
Also with this update you will notice some more work on the theme and some additional ideas i have used. So without further ado, here are the pictures:
Not much has changed, though i am leaning towards the panel design that is on the side on this picture. Some of you will noticed something in the top left of the panel. I have decided to add a VFD/LCD display. I still might mount it top right though to hide away some of the cabling, but still have to do the mock up of it first.
On the back ive designed to allow for a 92mm Fan. I was going to scrap this but decided to add it back in to allow for increased airflow going through the case.
There was a worry about negative pressure due to the flow restriction caused by the GTS 240. Thankfully one of my friends has 2 240 radiators laying about, though not the same model but we strapped them together to take in account the flow restriction and placed a 92mm on the back, and it ran fine. No problems what so ever, so i am quite confident about this now. Though if i land up being wrong ill modify the side panel to allow some ventilation holes (which of course) will match the front to increase air intake into the case.
The PSU will have to be inserted into the case from the rear, where there will be a square cut hole which will allow for this. To fix the PSU to the case there will be a cut sheet of aluminium which will border the psu and will have screws going into the PSU and then into the case. This has been done before with a few mods, especially where the PSU sticks out a fair distance from the rear, and it looks and works fantastically. (Look at
Project NLM by JegerJon to get some idea (fantastic mod))
Here is what the bare chassis will look like.
As you can see there will be a shroud that will fix the Radiator in place. This will be removable just as the HDD caddy will be. The Radiator shroud fixes to the right and bottom panels. This will also help brace the chassis to make it stronger.
You can see there are some modifications to the HDD Caddy. It has been made longer so that the case can be fixed to the right panel 2-4 times on each side. There are also struts that fix onto the PSU Caddy and the Radiator Shroud. This was to address a problem someone pointed out, that i overlooked. Originally the case was not going to be a tower, but a desktop, and the caddy was designed for that. Using it as a tower would change the change the positioning of the centre of gravity and could cause the right panel to bend/buckle. The struts were added in to help the load bearing of the Caddy so it could be distributed better over the entire case, whilst still being a removable caddy.
The PSU housing will be rivetted to the case as i will not need to remove this from the chassis. as mentioned with the Radiator Shroud and HDD Caddy, it will help brace the chassis to make it a stronger structure. There is a gap above the PSU. Im planning to put some ventilation holes up there as i dont want pockets of hot unventilated air within the case. Also it gives me the option later on to add a card readers or USB hub or anything quite thin in there. As i probably wont have the money to get a modular PSU straight away it will probably be used to put some of the cables i will not be using.
Regarding the overall theme im going to be having the internal metal components, so everything seen in the bare chassis pictures to be painted either Black or Silver. Im leaning towards black more as it will look better. Also from the front i dont want the v300b effect. With the v300b you have black case but silver internals which were visibile through the perforated grill (like i have at the front) I obviously dont want this to be the case in my case.... pun not intended
Anyway guys i hope you all like the pictures. Feel free to leave any comments or questions, as you all help me pickup on things i might of not noticed. Its always nice to have a 3rd opinion
Also some extra good news, ive just ordered my electric sander and jigsaw which cost me £13 for both brand new. Bargin if you ask me. I shall get a picture up of the tools when they and the bending brake arrive.
Until next time.