As has been said, it is the Graphics card. Yes i have got a fancy graphics model which someone else made but it wasnt completely correct on the dimensions, so i decided to opt for the box. The same goes for PSU and Radiator, both models were inaccurate and you simply do not want that when youre designing something down to the millimetre.
The program i am using is Sketchup, but i plan to export the designs to CAD and have them printed out so its easier for me to work from whilst making it. Yes i did make the motherboard in the program, but i will admit i kind of cheated as i used capacitor models and other small tidbits on the motherboard from other motherboard models out there.
Im looking at doing the panel myself, as ive said on previous forums this is on, i want to show people that you can make a decent case from scratch with basic tools at home. My metal bending brake and some other tools should be arriving soon, in that time im hoping to have the designs near enough finalised and then all the aluminium and will be sourced and the work will commence
The display panel is a very snug fit. If the VFD doesnt have any more connections coming out the back which make it deeper then as it currently stands there will be 2mm gap between it and the PSU. Im going to do mock up panels for it in the bottom left and top right aswell just to see what it looks like.
Concerning the Pump and Res.. first off there will be no res, just a T-line which will goto a fill port on the top, this is what will act as a res let alone to be honest you dont really need them. The pump is still undecided. Im probably looking at going for a CPU Block & Pump combo, or i will mount the pump on the back panel next to the fan or between the HDD's and DVD drive.
Just out of curiosity. If this case was available to buy and had the plans it currently has, and had a build quality akin to something like a Lian Li, would you guys buy it? Ive been thinking for a while of making like a couple more of these cases and selling them as limited editions or something. Sadly i would not be able to sell it here as its against rules, but was just looking into it as an option.
Cheers for all the ace feedback.
You guys make this job more worthwhile to do and also help me along the design phase. Sadly not all case manufacturers get the opinions and feedback from their targetted audience.