[Project Log] Black and White maybe a bit (50) of grey

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I don't want to call it beautiful, simply being that would be a massive understatement. Them pipes really finish it off in a very unique way. Never seen them fittings before.
thank you!
looks awesome!

cant help but cry out for Parvum to make the white F1.0 in 140mm to fill a large case out like that.
How you finding them on your rads?
They look nice but I would not recommend if you care about performance. They are pretty weak and in a large case with large rads the hot air accumulate inside a lot. And thank you!
really sweet build and build log full props to you sir.:)
thank you!
I don't want to call it beautiful, simply being that would be a massive understatement. Them pipes really finish it off in a very unique way. Never seen them fittings before.

Thank you very much!
Top build - really tasteful components & scheme. I was considering the Phase II pump/res looks like a great combo. Wonder if a Bitspower D5 pump cover would fit at the bottom??

Well done on a great build!
Top build - really tasteful components & scheme. I was considering the Phase II pump/res looks like a great combo. Wonder if a Bitspower D5 pump cover would fit at the bottom??

Well done on a great build!

I'm not sure since I haven't tried. Thanks for your kind words :)
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