That looks amazing mate! Just looking at that circuit made my head hurt though lol
Wowzers that is extremely impressive. I think if you want to get as reflective as possible you'll need transparent/translucent blades.
Will you be miniaturizing the electronics? Or is that not feasible? Circuits are about as comprehensible as ancient greek to me .
I initially didn't think about using PICs due to cost of buying the programmer but after spending a fair bit on all the components anyway I probably wouldn't have been much out of pocket. It's true though that I now have a good selection of components for any future projects as even though this project only needed 1 or 2 of things I've bought 10-100 of them.
I've been looking at pic programmers though and not sure what to get. Is there anything I need to know before making a purchase?
if you look at the link i posted, there are freebies around. Like i say, i really enjoyed using AXEPAD, but thats only does BASIC. If you're more of a flowchart person, then theres also a freebie flowchart programmer in the same link.
If you want to buy one, then at school we used PIC logicator. I believe the single user version is something like £15. And that primarily owrks with flowcharts, but has the function to convert it into BASIC and then carry on programming in BASIC (handy feature when you're trying to learn how BASIC works)