Tested with a 470 ohm resistor and they aren't particularly bright. Connected up a pot and under 200 ohm the orange LEDs seem to go a little red, suggesting they are getting a bit much. My power supply was on 7.5v for the actual circuit and it was extremely dim with that, better at 470.
Might just grab some 250 ish resistors and see how it goes.
Have left it with pot attached at 200 to burn for a while so I can check for colour change.
Fitting a 2k2 resistor to the base on the first transistor didn't make a visible difference.
Ammeter hasn't arrived yet.
I also tested 4 orange LEDs in series on the emitter with no
Resistor and all 4 LEDs lit full bright.
Thanks. I think the effect is nice too. Well worth the 36 transistors, 36 resistors and 18 capacitors.
I should do a cost breakdown to see what this set me back.