Project Marshlands: A Military Themed Build..

Saw your first couple of posts when you first put them up, but haven't looked back since until now!

Some fantastic work, loving the PSU cover and GPU backplates.

My only gripe so far, is that the radiators look out of place - using the desert-style camo when the rest is green/black... just doesn't look quite right to me.

I'm sure though you've got an overall plan for it, and I'm prepared to eat my words when I see the finished product... but, for me, right now... not feeling the lighter colours on the rads.
Saw your first couple of posts when you first put them up, but haven't looked back since until now!

Some fantastic work, loving the PSU cover and GPU backplates.

My only gripe so far, is that the radiators look out of place - using the desert-style camo when the rest is green/black... just doesn't look quite right to me.

I'm sure though you've got an overall plan for it, and I'm prepared to eat my words when I see the finished product... but, for me, right now... not feeling the lighter colours on the rads.

The rads/res will also get a bit more weathering.. The photos were taken in pretty bad ambient light so I had to ramp up the exposure to get the detail on the PSU cover what you see on the rads is far more detailed to the naked eye..

I'll try to redo the .raw with less exposure and see if I can get a better result on the rad..

Ok, here are the final pictures with a bit less exposure to show the overall look of the theme rather than the detail on the PSU cover..

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Well, I've just encountered my first real snag in this build.. The top radiator is too wide for the motherboard to fit in the case..

Because it's a really old rad it's around 145mm wide, so the space between the back of the rad and the motherboard tray is very limited..

Time to get a new rad I guess :(
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