Still think you should build something custom out of acrylic that features mini waterfalls. Remember my picture of a cascade? Ok you might not fit all that in but still. Saw one in another project and thought it looked great all lit in that way that acrylic lights up.
Dual loops. Reservoir either side.
Good to hear from youTealc, and thanks for the reminder re the cascade res. Any chance you could post it up here again for me?
How about citroen meteor gray? (If you can source it
Looks like this: (I know this is an Audi, but it's the closest colour I could find in google images
In terms of black, I would quite like something close to obsidian - but that may be darker than you want
I have no idea about reservoirs and know nothing about them
Cheers for the colour Cookeh, I'll look into that one. I may have to try a few out before I commit though (not cheap at £7 a can).
Could do a custom double helix style res spanning the height of the case, with one of the "struts" per pump, and have the rungs have a programmed led sequence so the light flows downwards from the top in the struts themselves... Or am I just being silly
On another completely unrelated note... How much would that cost, as I actually really want that in my phantom now
Don't suppose you could shop one of my photos please to help me get a better understanding of what you mean
Meanwhile, I've been doing a few paint tests this morning to compare finishes and give me an idea of which parts I want to paint what colours.
The idea is to have the interior predominantly copper, although I must stress this is not a Steam Punk Mod. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to do one, but I have nowhere near the skills required for that level of work.
So the interior copper, using a combination of copper sheet and copper paint (for those harder to get at places).
I'm also thinking of using Brass to add a colour contrast in places and perhaps some of the Silver/chrome I have left from other projects.
At present i'm not sure about the Brass. I think it looks too Gold to be honest and I don't want it to look in anyway "Bling" inside.
I've used Plasticote Paints many times before, but never used the Rustoleum paint. To be honest it flows and covers about the same, giving a nice finish, but like the Plasticote it does flow quite thickly.
I'd prefer to use auto paint for all surfaces, but you can't get these colours and finishes in auto paint unless you're willing to spend a fortune on that high chrome American stuff
So here's what I have
Nice day so spraying outside in back garden.
Also thought a few more shots of the case might help people better visualise my options for Reservoir installation.
Res could go in top right area where HDD rack was removed from
All thoughts welcome