Having planned some Dremmel action for this weekend I've actually dedicated my time to some paint tests.
Interactive Mod time.
Interactive Mod??? What does that mean? Well it's your chance to have some input. I could do with your collective help in deciding on the colour scheme for the fans.
As you know from earlier posts (what do you mean you haven't read the earlier stuff, you just looked at the pictures). the inside of the case will be predominantly copper in colour. I've tested chrome and brass on discs and have pretty much given brass the boot as it looks too bling, or as someone put it "poor man's gold".
So a few colour combos. The question is which will look best inside the case. Bear in mind these will be mounted on Radiators in the top section. Black of course is the colour of rads, but thinking of changing them to copper also.
Which do you think works best?
1. Black cowling silver blades
2. Copper cowling copper blades
3. Copper cowling Silver blades
4. Black cowling copper blades
Final combo will be silver cowling and copper blades, but I'm still waiting for primer to dry.