Had a couple of people ask about the illuminated floor via email ( which is always welcome

So here's a basic guide to making one.
Step 1
12mm right angle cross section.
You can get lengths of the stuff from most DIY stores in aluminium or plastic. As this was not for strength, put simply to raise the floor, plastic was sufficient ( and far cheaper as i had to buy 2.8m of the stuff )
Simply cut to size with a Stanley knife, and in my case, spray the outside edge with black paint.
Step 2
Fix some of my favourite SMD led tape, available from Phenoptix, to the inside face.
Dead easy as it is self adhesive.
If you position the top of the tape 3mm from the top of the plastic cross section, then the 3mm acrylic floor will sit on it flush.
Step 3
After experimenting with different options, i found that a simple piece of white printer paper acts as a great diffuser for the light to even the spread out under the acrylic floor.
Step 4
Secure your cross section to the case, and the acrylic will rest on the SMD tape.
Step 5
Sit back and admire your work