Project - Not to everyone's taste - WIP Pic heavy

Glent drop me some info in trust and I will get the cooler sent out to you this week, within a week or so I should have some NZXT white braided cable extensions going spare (moving over to blue) too, 24 pin and 4 x 6pin PCI, not sure what power connectors the 9600GT has?

What monitor/res is the young fella intending to play at?
@Dice thanks for comment, you should give it a go :p

@pgi947 awesome will do, the 9600gt has a 6 pin connector,
the monitor has was given to us by a friend i don't know the specs, only thing he mentioned was that it can't do 1080p, which is fine I don't think the old gpu could do that anyway :p

little update today, sanding down and repainting some the knocks and few areas where the paint had dripped etc

case sections all hanging out to dry


The camera does not seem to pick up the purple to well, it looks more like this

Hopefully the final shots show just how nice of a colour it is
The paint is very quick drying so might get to rebuild it tonight pending his younger brothers behaviour! :P
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This is great!, i love seeing kids taking an active interest and doing something productive, your lad has some artistic talent there!. Funny enough, i am in the process of helping my next door neighbours 9 year old build his own pc made up of old parts from here and there and it has been very satisfying for both of us (although not looking forward to explaining software installation much!).
Only thing missing now is an old ATX case so a trip to the local tip might be in order :D
I suspect he might like a go at modding a case too so will have to get him to do scetch some ideas himself.
Keep it up!
@zooankski , agreed it's nice to see a different thought process and imagination come into play with a build instead the same old style.

Photobucket seems upset with the amount of bandwidth we are using :D
whoops yeah I got an invite to dropbox a little while ago :) Replied to your email just now too :)
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Plan was to do a litte more today pending how con is feeling, poor little man was up late plugging the entry for the bitfenix pimp your rig comp. We was first place at midnight , when we we last checked and slipped into second over night :(
Thanks for offer mate, the motherboard that was donated has an extra sound card with it :) Very generous and I may take you up on that offer for the charity build we are in proccess of starting also.
we've got the build pretty much done, still little bits and bobs to sort but he cant wait. soI 'll be putting win7 on their tonight :)

photobucket emailed again so I will move the images to another host asap
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sorry for the delay

Still not the final shots down, but here is it is looking. Still a bit of sorting to do tomorrow.


Connor wants to paint the I/o shield also most likely purple


The cable braid we had was orange, now dyed purple :D



Reminder of where we began

Still to do
Stealth DVD
Attach the Epic vinyl!
Clean cables up
Attach window to side panel
For some reason the side panel is not lining up properly but I'm sure connor will sort it !


Connors Grandfather is fantastic photographer so we'll be pestering him to get some nice shot to show how great it looks :D
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Woo, glad to see my hardware put to good use (certainly far better use than sat in a box under the bed)! It's looking good too :)
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