Project - Not to everyone's taste - WIP Pic heavy

Cool :)

Looking very smart now, it's all come together quite nicely, although I still think you were right from the start and it could do with some blowhole trim for the window cutout!

Also, not a problem if you want me to design/cut anything for the next project, it's for a good cause :)
I know I'd really love some white trim to bring it all the colours toghether, Connor's the boss though :P

Thanks again, the build wouldn;t be what it is with out you mate.
Fantastic work guys, Loving the design too Connor.

Ill be keeping my eyes open for your charity build, iv got some piece of hardware in my man shed id love to donate. Ram, hdd's Mobos theres all sorts of random stuff hiding in boxes lol..

Keep up the good work. :)
Sorry for the bump, but you could buy some U-Channel,
Very cheap, on MNPC Tech
then you can make the edges look nicer :)
Amazingly brilliant I'm quite jealous that Connor is getting into the game so early so to speak. But if this is what he is doing at a young age it will most likely be amazing what he can do when he is older! Can't wait to see the charity build. I'm a bit sad that I've got nothing to donate would love to help out!
He'll deffo be a whizz in a few years time, keep up the great work, its a really impressive effort given your age. I wish i'd have been half as clever as he is at the same age :)
Loving this...
Should retitle ' you and your pc in a recession' ;)


'My kid watched Blue Peter and thought, forget bog roll!'

Enjoying the log!

Props to the kid
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