Project : Primo Midas

Here is the new EK Supremacy EVO Gold and my original Supremacy Gold together as well.







Yep, just spent last hour going through the thread from the start, top work.

Giving my log an hour of your time is great to hear, I appreciate that very much.

I have some gold ram heat-spreaders coming to cover up my horrid green server pcb stuff. Will post some more pics when I get back to UK.

I'd like to do so much more but money spent on Midas has really hit my funds that I set aside for my next build which will be housed in the new Phanteks Evolv ATX, which I've already pre-ordered. I haven't attracted any sponsors after lots of emails so its all having a impact.
I'll probably sell off some stuff on MM to try get my next project up and running around August if all goes well.

PS: If there are any gfx card vendor reps reading this, then please send a 980ti sample to Diamond Cooling so they can make a new block for me ;)
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Is it wrong that I've had to go and grab some tissues?

That's an absolutely stunning build mate, got me sweating under the collar a little bit :p
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