Project : Primo Midas

You can see I added a pic which gives you a good shot of the underside of the bay showing the bracket, yep it removable (I think, I'm not home for 4 wks).

I tried to come up with a mounting mechanism for my gold mirror ssd mount using that bracket but realise it was easier to use the two screws at the bottom of the optical bay instead, just used longer screws to mount the acrylic panel.
You can see I added a pic which gives you a good shot of the underside of the bay showing the bracket, yep it removable (I think, I'm not home for 4 wks).

I tried to come up with a mounting mechanism for my gold mirror ssd mount using that bracket but realise it was easier to use the two screws at the bottom of the optical bay instead, just used longer screws to mount the acrylic panel.

That's a handy pic and I see what you mean now. Well if I cut it in the same place as you once the case is back on it's feet you won't be able to see the bracket, but if it comes off easy I might just take it off as well. Surprised you did not take if off if it's just screwed in?

Also I'll be using a Monsoon Bay res (pumped screwed on the back of it) that's in my Luxe with all my other water cooling gear. Keep thinking about a tube res but seems you are a bit limited with space as to where to put it. Just wondering on your thoughts as your using a bay res/pump combo as well.

Are tube res's more of pain, hence your not using one either. I really like my bay res so I might as well use it, just a shame you can't see it (as the Primo has a door) like you can on my Luxe.

Just nice to have options though!
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I went with bay res because it was my first WC build and I wanted to keep it simple. The only downside is the huge return run back from my bottom rad to the inlet of the bay. Although I routed mine into the back of the case and I will have to keep it due to the fact I don't have long enough rigid tube to reach.
I briefly toyed with idea of switching to a tube res but I've kinda spent a fortune on this so its off the cards now.
You can get integrated pump/tube res also btw which might suit your needs and can sit behind your rad at the back of the case there is a mount point on the floor.
I went with bay res because it was my first WC build and I wanted to keep it simple. The only downside is the huge return run back from my bottom rad to the inlet of the bay. Although I routed mine into the back of the case and I will have to keep it due to the fact I don't have long enough rigid tube to reach.
I briefly toyed with idea of switching to a tube res but I've kinda spent a fortune on this so its off the cards now.
You can get integrated pump/tube res also btw which might suit your needs and can sit behind your rad at the back of the case there is a mount point on the floor.

Don't think I would have enough room to put a tube res there as all the bottom of my Primo will be filled up with 480 Monsta rad push/pull. Funnily enough that arrived today and its huge. My case should be arriving next week so will give me a better idea hopefully of placement etc.

I think the only place you could mount a tube res is in the middle of the case, I'm not sure what the dimensions are for card clearance though. I know my card is pretty long at 282mm with the aircooler on though!

Roll on the water block for my 980Ti G1 from EK. . .
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Tube res can be mounted in several places see this from manual.


You could defo get it in behind your rad once you remove hdd bays you then gain access to the pump mount bracket, you get an optional mounting plate. Of course depends on how big a tube you get....

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I think unless your card is water cooled (to keep it shorter) it seems to me from looking at pictures that your very limited as a graphics card with aircooler is going to be longer and there is not enough room. I don't have a option to watercool my card at the moment, but as soon as it's available it will be.

I think mounting it at the back will be ok and any res up to around 170mm in height will work (like the XSPC tube) and should not matter (I think) if my card is air or watercooled.

Personally I prefer the EK-RES X3 150mm Reservoir, so that should fit no problem.
Hey Colin,

Just so you know I did this the other day and it came out great.

Just waiting on some more fans (to go on the other side of the bottom rad) and connectors etc before I do the transplant from my Luxe case.

As soon as I received the case I took the saw to it, that's a first! lol

Looks much better. Cheers for your help.

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Beast of a job mate it looks really nice :D Those fans really go with the red.

I'd love to see you paint the optical bay screws red and make sure you line em all up the same ;) ++

Did you break any cutting discs in the process?

One other thing I might tackle on mine is replacing the smoked windows, they really bug me these days.
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Beast of a job mate it looks really nice :D Those fans really go with the red.

I'd love to see you paint the optical bay screws red and make sure you line em all up the same ;) ++

Did you break any cutting discs in the process?

One other thing I might tackle on mine is replacing the smoked windows, they really bug me these days.


Did not break any cutting discs and was pretty painless really. Just took my time over it although the whole process did not take long really.

Might paint the screws, but I quite like them black as well.

As for windows I know what you mean as my Luxe has the same thing. I think you can get replacement clear glass for the Primo though so might do that once it's all built. Will have to see. . .

Although I can't say it bugs me that much tbh.
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Well after what seems like too long I have Midas running again. Finished my WC loop with soft tubing, the reason being I need to have the machine on for BONIC and Folding and its been sat idle way too long.
The pipe between CPU1 and CPU2 turned out that both collars were cracked and on first leak test it failed at both ends. I'm disappointed with the Monsoon collars but maybe it was down to my heavy handed engineer approach. I changed it out for soft tubing. So only one pipe in the system is hardline.

The build is untidy but working, this is now going to live in my attic pretty much so no need for looking good, but I'll tidy it a wee bit in time. Its busy doing the DENIS project and Folding@home. CPU temps are 58 degs @ 2.57Ghz both cpu's and GPUs are 48 degs which seemed low given the cpu temps?? Go figure....

The build log is pretty much over I'm afraid, thanks to everyone who followed me but I'm not going to be doing anything else here. Some shots of it during leak testing. Don't worry the air in the cpu's you can see in the pics is now gone, but took a long time to clear.

I will post something if and when I do have a tidy up and fit the other ssd drives. Thanks to everyone who's helped me :D


Good job but I think it would look better with plain black cables instead of the black and yellow you used.

Also as the bottom rad is facing down, would it not be better to have the front / side fans as intakes?
The two front fans are intakes, I have another two to put back in at the left side they draw in plenty also. I've never had a problem with temperatures tbh. I always wanted to change the cabling to vanilla sands but with Nils having shut down his shop it's rare thing to get these days.
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