Project : Primo Midas

truly a work of art
How does it look through the side window?
Does the smoked window spoil the look?

Thanks mate, the window does obscure the inside too much. I'd prefer something a little less opaque. Think Phanteks should offer a clear window for after market parts.
New pics !

when the next update be mate :)

When I can get imgur to upload my pics its not working for me tonight :(

UPDATE: Ok some images did upload finally :D

Boring Ram !


Midas Ram !


My first ever acrylic bend :D




Ram fitted with gold heat spreaders, back in ;)



Both bends done and collars glued in place...


Looks slightly odd (in this pic) but its because there is a slight upward slope to CPU 2 Inlet, also wanted to leave enough space for adding/removing ram.

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Thanks, it's taking me a long time I know, I must have measured the first pipe 30 times! I spent too long yesterday working on sketchup for my warships build.

best way to do it! measure twice and cut once so they say otherwise it may become costly re doing miss measured pipes lol
I'm using Monsoon own brand acrylic which is PETG I believe, its been a tough and frustrating day, first pipe took 3 hrs and 3 attempts to get right. The second one this evening has been a disaster also, nearly gave up and went back to soft tubing ! But it looks so good with hardline I'll have to persevere. I will have to use soft tube as I did before for my return to pump as its too long a routing for the pipe I have.

Anyway here's a couple of pics from today, The top rad is back in and I'm trying to do outlet CPU2 to top rad inlet.




With the top Rad back in...

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Damn! I like it, I like it a lot.


Unfortunately I'm heading away for 4 weeks and I'm still not finished, was away at a wedding and been busy with other more pressing stuff. Just can't get the bends right and I'm feeling frustrated with it. More practise next time home.
Hey there Colin,

I've just bought myself a Primo SE (red) and I want to chop the side panel support panel in half like what you did as I will be putting a 480 Monsta in push/pull down the bottom so would be nice to see it in all it's glory!

As your cutting it straight in half I presume this could be done with a simple good quality hack saw as the metal is not that thick.

Then line the bottom with some rubber U channel edging to keep it clean looking.

I'd be interested in your thoughts!

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Hey there Colin,

I've just bought myself a Primo SE (red) and I want to chop the side panel support panel in half like what you did as I will be putting a 480 Monsta in push/pull down the bottom so would be nice to see it in all it's glory!

As your cutting it straight in half I presume this could be done with a simple good quality hack saw as the metal is not that thick.

Then line the bottom with some rubber U channel edging to keep it clean looking.

I'd be interested in your thoughts!


Hello mate, the reason mine is shaped that way was to leave some "meat" around the two screw holes that support the optical bay, I also used U Channel rubber to hide the edge but I have a fabricated something better that I've not shown you guys yet. ;)

I used a dremel to cut mine but I don't see there being an issue using a hacksaw, I covered mine in masking tape to mark the line where I was cutting and also to protect from scratching the surrounding area. I'd use an 18tpi (teeth per inch) blade but you could go to a 24tpi as its not very thick material.

If you want it to be highly visible you'll need to have it lit with a nice bright LED strip because the smoked acrylic is rather too dark. You could consider changing it for something clearer, I even wrote to Phanteks telling them they should offer after market windows that are clear as a lot of people complain about the smoked ones.

Hope that helps, feel free to ask drop me a line if you have any other questions.
Hello mate, the reason mine is shaped that way was to leave some "meat" around the two screw holes that support the optical bay, I also used U Channel rubber to hide the edge but I have a fabricated something better that I've not shown you guys yet. ;)

I used a dremel to cut mine but I don't see there being an issue using a hacksaw, I covered mine in masking tape to mark the line where I was cutting and also to protect from scratching the surrounding area. I'd use an 18tpi (teeth per inch) blade but you could go to a 24tpi as its not very thick material.

If you want it to be highly visible you'll need to have it lit with a nice bright LED strip because the smoked acrylic is rather too dark. You could consider changing it for something clearer, I even wrote to Phanteks telling them they should offer after market windows that are clear as a lot of people complain about the smoked ones.

Hope that helps, feel free to ask drop me a line if you have any other questions.

Hi there buddy,

Yes I can see now why your cut is shaped in a slight u shape now as you have followed the contours of the panel, so I'll be doing the same and it makes sense.

Mines the SE Red edition so obviously my panel is going to be red.

I might get myself a dremel to do the job, been wanting to get one for years. I have got a small hand held angle grinder which would slice through that panel like hot knife through butter but need to be a bit careful with it! lol

Might treat myself to a dremel to do the job (which is essentially a mini angle grinder), would be able to do a neater job I reckon with that as the cutting disc will be much smaller.


Just ordered a Dremel (well not official Dremel but it's compatible with all the tools). Should do the job fine.


Should be a bit more precise than my bigger hand held angle grinder, I'll save that for the bigger jobs! :D
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Yeah dremel is great for this stuff, I went through a few discs though I kept breaking mine for some reason, probably a bit heavy handed on it. Plus it had a tendency to "bite".

One thing I forgot to say, be careful if you want to keep your bracket that the hdd trays slide into, hidden from view. It mounted on the underside of the optical bay so you may want to leave some extra so it can't be seen. Although its not that noticeable, just something to bear in mind.

Here's the thing you guys haven't seen so far... These were taken before the tubing was in. I'm playing around with the shape of the block as I actually cut some slots out to allow the cables to pass through but don't like what I did so new acrylic was ordered to redo it.


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Yeah dremel is great for this stuff, I went through a few discs though I kept breaking mine for some reason, probably a bit heavy handed on it. Plus it had a tendency to "bite".

One thing I forgot to say, be careful if you want to keep your bracket that the hdd trays slide into, hidden from view. It mounted on the underside of the optical bay so you may want to leave some extra so it can't be seen. Although its not that noticeable, just something to bear in mind.

Hi there,

I don't use internal HD's so the cages are useless to me (I've got a Synology NAS for my storage ;))

Can you take out that bracket your talking about?

As I said before I will be cutting it in the same place as you and I can't see any bracket so I presume you took yours off.

I bought some spare cutting discs so I will have 7 in total so I am sure that will be plenty for the job.
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