Project: shut up and be quiet!

17 Sep 2012
Well, the time has come again - New build log time!

This time, I will be reusing a lot of my older products... because... well basically they are good enough lol. I will be adding sponsors logos shortly, but I just want to get the bulk of the first post sorted out!

Watercooling will be mainly EKWB
GPU and MOBO will be ASUS
Fluid will be Mayhems
RAM and SSDs from Hyperx
Sleeving from E22

The only new addition to my sponsors list is be quiet! they have helped with previous builds but this time, I want to use their case!

So, without further ado, here is the case I have chosen:

Silent Base 600 - I was going to take the 800, but it looked a little too easy.


I will apologise now, I didn't realise I was on manual focus until most of the way through the day, so all the early photo's are a bit crap (yes... again)

I love the Orange on this case <3


This is the best out of the bad bunch to show you the whole of the case...


As per usual I started to take the case apart to see what I could do with it.


And forgot to stop taking it apart until it was in this state... I really should not start using a drill before I have any idea what I want to do.


A quick test fit looks like things should work ok if I invert it, sure, there are a few little teething problems, but nothing I shouldn't be able to handle.


Nothing really fits back together 100%, I have had to drill a few holes to ensure the case fits again.


after I put it all back though, it all seems level


And this is where I have left it for the evening.

I am really happy that this case can be swapped around, the switch around looks like it should give me quite a bit of extra space up the front.


Well, it will after I sort this out tomorrow, those drive bays will be gone.


So. that is it for now, quite a lot gone on with the case already, it will throw up some unexpected problems during the build no doubt!
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I literally just done the same to the be quiet! 800 Silent base.
Those CD drive cages are a pain in the anus for not being removable
I literally just done the same to the be quiet! 800 Silent base.
Those CD drive cages are a pain in the anus for not being removable

haha, yeah, I have just cut mine out... not a clean job, but don't have the time to clean them up today, I will sort them out when I am next home, I wanna play with the mobo a little today.
So, I managed to get a hour in before I had to leave for my train, unfortunately this is only a small update and there won't be another for a few days as I am working away again... booo!

So first job of the morning was to cut those drive trays out, it is a shame be quiet! didn't make them removable, but when you have a dremel, anything is removeable! The cuts are not my best, but the missus had come home from working a night shift and I was in a rush to make sure that she could go bed lol.


When I get home, I will file and sand these down so that they are level, it does mean that I can now use a 360 rad at the front of the case though! Win!


This is the motherboard that I am going to be using again from ASUS, the X99 DELUXE - I do live this board.


The only problem are the white accents, I don't think that they will suit the look that I am going for so they have got to go.


I grabbed a craft knife and went at the two thin pieces of metal that create the white accents, I also managed to find one of my spare 5820k, so I will be using this in this build!


By the time I had finished, and ran out of time to do much else, the motherboard looked like this.. X99 Deluxe... Stealth! It does need a little bit more of a clean as on the photo's I can easily see some glue left... grrr.


So, that is pretty much all we have time for today, sorry folks! I will be back soon though! - (did i just turn into a 90's tv presenter?!)
I always like watching your projects and you keep giving me more reasons to do so now you're using the same motherboard as me (Well almost same). I don't suppose you would be willing to divulge your secrets on how to stealth the board :D

As always I'm sure the project will be amazing and I can't wait to see more (Especially the case mods) :)
Yeah, it isn't really hard to give it a stealthier look, first on the rear of the mobo there are 4 screws that hold the IO cover on, so I removed them and pulled it off, then the other bits of white are just metal stickers basically, I used a heat gun for a short time, then used a blunted craft knife to get under it and start peeling, once it started I just used pliers to pull them away from the heat sinks. It means they are not usable again, but I have a spare ASUS X99 DELUXE anyway, so didn't matter to me.. It is just worth bearing in mind if you do the same =)
Cheers buddy, actually looking forward to this one myself, really wanna try and keep it clean and simple as per usual and I think black and orange is a nice change from white builds =D
Mind chucking us one if they are spare? :p Can't wait to see more!

haha, unfortunately, there are builds waiting for them all, but this one is one that had been taken out of a build and wasn't doing anything :D

Right, another quick little update!

So, I am currently thinking about using my ARES III in this build, mainly because a lot of people wonder what the hell it is when it inside a computer and it gets people talking lol. Most of you guys will have seen one I would imagine, but here are a few pictures anyways, they are so sexy!


Number 14/500 represent!


So... as you can see it is a little too... well, red, for this build. I need to Orange it up. Now, usually I would be getting the paint out, but I just can't bring myself to spray this GPU.


first i took of the fascia panel


Then the red acrylic - at this point I was kinda at a crossroads, my first idea was to just send this bit of acrylic to Parvum or E22 or somewhere and get another bit made out of orange, but then I had a quicker, cheaper idea. Vinyl. Here is the inside of the block though, ignore the mess, I need to clean it haha.


I hate vinyl as a rule, I think results are usually a little bit touch and go, but I personally think I have done an alright job on this!


I havn't figured out what I am going to do with the screw holes yet (I have changed the orientation of the plate, so none of them match their holes) but I am thinking of making some fake screws, I shall see I guess!


This is my favorite picture of the card I think, this is the exact look I was hoping for - just need to sort them damn holes out!


Well, that is it for today, I finished a 12hr night shift, slept today and then thought about the GPU and by the time I finished it was 23:00! Time flies when you are having fun.

I have had EKWB send me some little bits out which should be arriving soon, and be quiet! are sending me a new PSU as I forgot the one I was going to be using was white :/
Jealous!! Some of us just have to watch you having all the fun from behind our office monitors! ;)

Don't worry after tomorrow I will be back in Stoke working again so won't be able to play with any computer goodies all weekend =(

Good lord that vinyl job came out tidy!

Cheers buddy, It actually prompted me to try something else today...

Right, as you saw already, I "stealthed" the mobo a little, but I wanted to add a little bit of orange to it.

So, I grabbed the board I am going to use, and then my spare X99 Deluxe (it has a dead PCI-E lane, but other than that it still works!) and started to have a play... you will see why I mention the second board shortly.


So, first, I sanded down the IO cover to make sure it wasn't so glossy, paying particular attention to the corners, that is where there are usually problems with paint I find.


A couple of coats of primer and a couple of coats of paint I got this...


Then, I found some of the orange vinyl that I had and had a quick go on my computer to see if I could create the same shapes as on the other board, this is where having 2 was really handy.


Once I had finished I created this :


It is not finished yet, but I have some goodies coming soon from EK and I do not want to add too much to this until I get these parts, so these slivers will do for now :D


I think they work really well!


Well, that is it for now, I might have another little update later if I get time, my PSU from be quiet! arrived this morning so it is time to mess with that!
Haha, I know Corsair won't even think about sponsoring this build as I am not using their cases or PSU etc... It's a shame as that ram is gorgeous.

Well maybe their cases shouldn't suck then :p solid cases they may be, but I've never seen one that inspires me to build in one, except the 600T.

You could always paint standard Dom Plats, but they're stupid money if you're paying for them.
Well maybe their cases shouldn't suck then :p solid cases they may be, but I've never seen one that inspires me to build in one, except the 600T.

You could always paint standard Dom Plats, but they're stupid money if you're paying for them.

hell, get OcUK to spot you some Orange Dom Plats - I reckon they owe you one after that cheap shot rjk took at you recently :P

haha, Corsair release a lot of cases, some do very well, some not so much, it is the nature of the beast when you release so man.

I will just use 8 sticks of the HyperX i have already probably, they are black so will fit in fine :D Although I do have another 8 sticks that have liquid cooling plates on, I could spray them easily :D

and dont worry about RJK lol, i will bite him when i next see him ;)
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