Loving the look of the straight, parallel tubing. Would like to see more details - when you have time to post more pics - of what happens to the tubing once it disappears into the top of the case after it passes the Powerzone logo. Would love to make it up to Insomnia to look in person....but fear it would cost me a divorce 
Can I pick your brains on a (loosely) related question? If you'd been a bit of an idiot and scratched the black paint on the midplate you'd spent so long working on, what how would you hide the evidence? Spray paint the whole thing black? Many thanks.

Can I pick your brains on a (loosely) related question? If you'd been a bit of an idiot and scratched the black paint on the midplate you'd spent so long working on, what how would you hide the evidence? Spray paint the whole thing black? Many thanks.