Lovely work as always buddy, sorry I'm late to this Orange party.
Nice to have you along dude
right, another very quick update and a huge thankyou to EKWB. I emailed them just to let them know I was re using some of the gear they sent me from their last sponsorship and they told me I could have some other stuff if I needed it, I did need fittings and tubing so took that straight away, but then I realised they may have something else I have been interested in...
So, I opened the parcel and received the following, all the HDC fittings that I will need (14) and plenty of tubing (10 metres) and also the other toy
I have these fittings in white also, and I loved them, the computer I had the white ones in got destroyed by a courier coming back from an event, however not 1 drop of fluid was leaked. I know with some other fittings I would not have been so lucky!
This time I have gone for the EK PETG tubing for a change
and finally the Monoblock, I have been interested with these for some time so thought i would have a look at one...
Inside we have the block, screws, thermal pads, thermal paste some plastic washers and some destructions.
The block is rather nice <3
The only downside for me is that the ASUS logo will be upside down for my build now as I have inverted the case... so that will have to be solved somehow, I think if I put some orange onto the block i might be able to distract the eyes.
The bottom of the block is rather shiney... this is the reflection fo the box on the CPU bit
Oh, I have just noticed, I will have to spin the EK sticker around also!
So, I thought i would pop a few fittings in to see what they were like, look fine to me
and then I finally fit the block
Well, now this block is on there is far too much black and not enough orange. I will be using Orange coolant, but still, I want to add a little more to the motherboard. I also want to try and figure a way to hide the ASUS logo so i can add orange branding instead... anyone got any ideas?