Evening, its been a while.
Firstly excuses
Got a grown up job, moved house, desk stayed put, now work in a different part of the country to where I moved to... (with the desk nicely placed smack in the middle)
Also at this job I know have, I work with someone who prowls these forums quite a bit and was aware of the desk when I met him, everyone should thank him for reminding me what a shocking human being I am for not posting updates.
On with the good bit,
put it back together and make some holes for wires...
Also some holes for tubes...
And more wires...
Add some bits n pieces
Sata Cables
I needed to raise the SSDs up by about 6 mm so the plugs fir correctly were I'm putting them, so I made these plinths for them that turned out rather well
Hopefully they'll look good once they get anodised too (brushed first)
Got a few of the more wierd and wonderful bolts I needed too...
Then my sleeving arrived...
Decided to sleeve the power cables that go under the cards in the SATA sleeving, which turned out really well.
I had hoped to use the bitfenix extensions I had managed to get hold of... but they looked too different to the sleeving I was using, so I made the executive decision to re-sleeve them...
A few people commented on how long the sleeving took... this may have been why... also if you sit down and work out how may cables are in this desk... you'll realise why this was a soul crushing exercise.
it looks so much better for it
Dual PSU link sorted too.
and after running out of sleeving... got some more and daisy chained all the fans
usb cable here looks a bit grubby, I may have to do something about that...
and then put some better sleeving on the PSU...
Now for the bits you don't really see every day...
The issue of the screen stand I haven't really touched yet, the problem being, I cannot have my screen mounted to the wall as some desk builds do and I refuse to have a dirty great screen covering my motherboard that I've gone to great lengths to have in the middle.
So I got a triple monitor stand... then the upright...
needed to be bigger...
Make a push fit bung with a copy of the thread
and you get a 2.4m monitor stand... (shortest piece of that strength Aluminium I could get
now for again a more fun bit, another issue, I have a set of 5.1 speakers that I love, so how will these go on? well, make a drop in mount on top of your screen stand, this was really fun to make, probably one of my favourite parts so far.
So now my speaker can perch above my screen without wall mounting, which will keep my land-lord happy.
A new addition to the workshop made this next piece very simple, everyone, Id like you to meet the future of "home" pc builds...
and it does things like this...
then you swap some bolts around
and after a while
Put some more holes in the back of the desk and voila...
A screen stand clamp, with floor plate
That's about it for now, this has been going on for a while but I'll be up at home sleeving the last (hopefully) of the PSU modular cables this weekend.
Then just the finer details to be done before coating the metal... I've hopefully got access to a polishing machine so I can brush the frame before it gets anodised too
Cheers everyone who's still interested, more to come.