Project: SR-2 Desk

Indeed, the 580's are going to be a bit behind the times, but replacing them with three new cards with cooling at the minute isn't going to happen, but the cooling around them is fairly modular so I'm not ruling it out in the longer term

Oh and some photos to come, sleeved up the PSU's and will soon be taking it apart to get painting/coating sorted on holiday next week so I'll be charging in once I get back
Evening, been a bit busy as usual, working, holidays, moving house again, the usual stuff that gets in the way.

Firstly, my apologies for the quality of the pictures, the DSLR that I've been using is on it's holidays at the minute.


Bored out the screen stand to fit the extension bar from the last update



This meant I could put the new screen on to cut the pole to length once I'd measured up with the speaker





Should be getting the side screens this week and I'll be mounting the left/right speakers to those :)

So I've been making my way through the little jobs that are finishing touches, ideally I wanted to do these whilst it was getting coated etc, but I was waiting on a few more bits n pieces.

Firstly a bit of a rant I never had at the time. If anyone else has used the EK SR-2 water block, you will be aware of the spacer shipped with the block. The instructions for which are shown below.


As you can see... it shows an EK compression fitting and the 3mm spacer that is in the box...

Here's the thing; if you compare the length of the thread on an EK compression fitting to the thread on an EK barb fitting, you will notice that the thread on the barb is about 1.5 mm longer than a compression. so this happens.


without "unreasonable" force you cannot get this fitting into the block.

HOWEVER... EK do (or did) sell a 1.8 mm spacer which you can buy separately. My point is this, if you're going to tell me I can use your fittings in the instructions, at least draw the instructions with a type of fitting that will actually work.

rant over... handily with the liberal application of a lathe you can work around this, just slap a fitting in and take a couple of mm off. I'm sure not that many people have this issue, but even less of those will have a lathe handy to fix it.





Problem solved and it didn't involve me shipping a spacer from Slovenia

The Bulkhead fittings needed shortening down as they were huge





And then finished off the sleeving :D



I had a quick test run of the soft felt topping to the frame which the glass will sit on


Finally one of the last pieces, got some grills for the underside of the rads, I was going to strip off the black anodising and redo it red to match the frame. But its just so pretty as is, I might just let it blend in to the black underside.


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