Project Stealthlow

Can't wait for this, your air cube was brilliant, I have a feeling the perfectionist bug will be present in this build too ;)
@ Tealc - Thanks mate :)

@gary996 - Sure is :), I'll get to that when I'm at the right stage but will involve hard tubes positioned in the right spots, clamps & a heat gun :cool:.

@GoogalyMoogaly - wow 70db sounds high & yeah I hope it's quiet too :D, I'll wire them all up to a psu & see what they are like all running together, I don't have a db checking device though so I'll just have to go off my ears so hopefully it'll be nice & quiet as it's a key feature of the case :D.

@Nelson Santos - Thanks :).

@booyaka - Thanks :).

@xxela1337 - Neither can I :D, thanks & yeah I've caught the perfectionism bug for sure now lol :D.

Only thing slowing the pace down now is my sleep pattern sometimes goes out of sync like last night, didn't get to sleep til 5am so woke up late but I'll get the rest of the marking done with the rest of today & start the cutting tomorrow, marking takes longer than cutting for getting the initial sized pieces.
Having spent the last god knows how long going through your Air Cube V2 project log, I must say I'm looking forward to this one all the more!

Just out of interest, what components are you going to be running in this?

Subscribed ;)
Thanks :).

Having spent the last god knows how long going through your Air Cube V2 project log, I must say I'm looking forward to this one all the more!

Just out of interest, what components are you going to be running in this?

:) Thanks KD Kind of undecided I like the look of gigabytes upcoming p67-ud7 motherboard & the next gen CPU's, but honestly Intel irritate me with them not settling down to a certain socket type so I am very intersted in seeing what AMD have coming up as they seem to be able to make their mind up :D, I miss the days of buying a motherboard & being able to upgrade rather than a full system lol :p.
Thanks randal24 :).

I was a little worried I wouldn't be able to cut the acrylic without cracking it up, just put it on a lower pressure & it works fine so I'll have another update later :cool:. Also having a little time out to warm back up lol, pretty cold out there :p.
Got all the marking up done yesterday :).


And here's what I just finished :cool:.








Cut the pci/IO pieces & the hdd fan holders to size.


I coloured the cut to size bits for the acrylic white on the checklist.


Tomorrow I'll hopefully put the disc sander to use & get the aluminium & acrylic slimmed down to the precise sizes needed, then they will be ready for marking up again for details :D.
This part of the build is annoyingly tense!

All I can see is plenty of bits to make something, but no actual thing! It's like waiting for a beast to take form!

Does look like it's progressing well though :) Nice work so far!

And not much to comment on really I know, but all is going to plan so far ;). But wow so many edges to smooth off & polish :eek: that'll be fun LOL :D.
Woooo, package from Nils Germany & with his funky personalised drawings on, awesome :D, can't say I know another shop that does anything like this ;).

Anyway molex pin removal tool, crimping tool & nice stack of fan/atx pins which came with the crimp tool, 9 sata power through, 6 sata power ends, 150 pre-cut heat shrink, sata heat shrink, 2 lots of each sized cable management clips, 40 metres of small sleeving, 10 metres of sata sleeving & an example of a good crimp.





Just gutted I didn't order a 1 metre sample of all the other colours, something I really should have done D'oh, he did put a sample of grey & red though :).

All of this won't be used for quite a while yet but it's here & ready for when I get to the sleeving stage of the mod which will be near the end of the mod.

Here is the disc sander :D, super awesome tool.


Here is the mess it created after slimming down all the acrylic & aluminium pieces to the precise size :D.


And here is the aluminium & acrylic to perfect size ready for adding details but still need to polish the edges of the acrylic :eek:.

Also ran the unigine heaven benchmark 2.1 with the GTX 580 & wow it really out performed the 5870's in crossfire which I just switched from, I knew it would be good though after trying out metro 2033 with it being able to run maxed with dx11 & physx & was very playable, the 580 is not as long as the 5870 also, really amazing GPU honestly if the 480 was this good at launch I wouldn't have bothered with the 5870, not seen temps go higher than 70c & it runs quieter too, brilliant GPU & I'm enjoying Two Worlds 2 at the moment in-between the project & logging, the game looks & plays amazing :D.
Here are the Heaven results, ran it default 1080p no tessellation, default, default extreme tessellation, default extreme tessellation + 8AA & it performs awesome & all this was run on a p45 motherboard with q9650 @ 4ghz & 8gb ddr2 @900mhz so with even better system specs should perform even better.





Up next, polish the edges of the acrylic arrrrrrgh :eek: lol.
Really quick progress mate - keep it up. That's a lot of stuff from Nils - didn't realise he did pre-cut heatshrink - should make everything look neat and line up nicely. :)

Envious at your tools - I'm currently trying to finish off half-thickness cuts into 1.5mm aluminium sheet with a stanley knife! :D Still waiting on delivery of dremel cutting discs. Bloody snow. :mad::p
Really quick progress mate - keep it up. That's a lot of stuff from Nils - didn't realise he did pre-cut heatshrink - should make everything look neat and line up nicely. :)

Envious at your tools - I'm currently trying to finish off half-thickness cuts into 1.5mm aluminium sheet with a stanley knife! :D Still waiting on delivery of dremel cutting discs. Bloody snow. :mad::p

It does seem to be coming along rather fast lol but then again no detail has been started yet :), I would have got the regular heat shrink but they were on offer so thought why not it'll save some time :D, it'll be tough making the wire work as neat as Murder mod style especially with 6 hdd, ssd, optical but I'll try :cool:.

A stanly knife wow :eek:, files are good & then a little sanding to make it smooth ;).

Do you buy official brand dremel discs Monkey because you can buy miles cheaper but just as good reinforced cutting discs mate, they are made in China lol but they really are just as good as official very expensive ones got about 200 for £30 with included shipping from America, came accross them on ebay, it saved me tons on discs, on average they take a week to 2 weeks to arrive but just be sure you get the ones with 1/16" hole else they will fly off all the time lol.
Little hold up

Semi bad news :o semi because it's already in the process of being resolved ;).

Here's my first set back.

The drill press really isn't up to the accuracy challenge, marked the hdd mounting holes, took it to the drill press very carefully aligned it, plunged in still being careful but it still wandered off & was a good 1 to 2mm away from where I tried to drill, I've had it with this drill press lol it's just not accurate, my dad got it off someone a fair while ago & only started getting any use when I did my last project, honestly it's like a 1 in 4 chance of getting the holes where you want them, I'd have been much better off using a normal drill.

I knew I should have got a new one a bit ago :o oh well.

Just ordered a cheap clarke one, I'm sure it'll do better than the one which has been wonky for so long, also had to order another sheet of 3mm aluminium so I can redo the part but to my surprise I found some much cheaper than the place I get it from usually, I only need 145mm x 108mm as well, just wasn't quite enough spare.

Anyway while I wait for these very much needed bits I'll get the acrylic edges polished up, but damn I was gutted when I seen how bad the accuracy was, was hoping to get the hdd cages done today but can't do anything that requires accurate drill holes so with a bit of luck I'll have the new drill press on tuesday if snow & ice dosen't hold things up :eek:.
Hmm, was going to say, you may be able to gently (so as not to distort the surface) tap a small nail to act as a guide indentation for the drill press - depends if the axle has gone or if the bits are just wandering. But if you've ordered a replacement then probably best to wait for that...
Yeah I do think something has gone on it, wrecked 1 of 4 pieces & there was way too much luck involved on the drilling I did on air cube.
I've just been used to not needing to punch the aluminium when I started using a drill press but I'll do as you said & if I get 10 out of 10 holes correct on the damaged piece then I'll know for sure that I was too hasty in buying a new one so possibly a big old face palm coming up lol, but then again I could probably do with having a new one as i'm pretty sure it's past it's best, thanks for the reminder about punching though Monkey, I'll give it a try now ;).
3 out of 10 were ok so I made the right decision to order a new one, relief, but because the garage is so unorganised a vice of all things fell off the heavily cluttered work top & straight onto my foot, hopefully I've got off lightly with just a nasty bruise but damn it's a good thing I had 3 pairs of socks on lol :D, the cold saved my foot, flipping hurt though, thought for sure I busted something up bad :eek:.
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