Project Stealthlow

Can not wait to see this when complete, Loved the aircube :D
:cool: Thank you.

Looks really good Waynio, out of interest what do you use to mock up your sketches?
:cool: Thanks mate, I use google sketchup nice & free & plenty good enough to design good stuff :).

Update time :cool:.

Here's pictures of the edges after cutting & using the disc sander.



Couple of action shots while I was doing the 240 grit, I found switching between these 2 grip styles kept my hands functional for longer.



And the mess & result from many hours on 240 grit.



Then did 600 grit, then 1200, could go & do the 2000 & polish but feel there is no need, now all thats left to do with these pieces is when I get the new drill press cut fan holes in all the big pieces, sand inside the hole & start sticking them all together with the clear acrylic adhesive, then that's all the hdd fan holders made, I'm going with light, dark, light, dark, light



Holy sheet an entire day of wet sanding 6:30am to 6pm so I think I'll have no problem getting to sleep tonight, feel like I've been doing the twist dance all day lol :D.
This looks real sweet. Gonna be great when its done! :D

Edit: ****, thats a lot of wet n dry work! I normally give up after 20 mins with it :D
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This looks real sweet. Gonna be great when its done! :D

Edit: ****, thats a lot of wet n dry work! I normally give up after 20 mins with it :D
:D Thanks mate.

wow, looking like its going to be a great build keep us updated! :D
Surely will & thanks :).


I put the tensol 12 acrylic adhesive I bought to work, holy crap, nasty toxic fumes come from it, I was on the edge of not using it because it's so bad but made sure the front garage door & the other door was wide open & wrapped a thick towel around my face & got on with sticking the little pieces together, I used an art brush to apply it, my heart was beating way faster than normal & felt a little shaky (might have been because of the cold though), awful adhesive, I should have a quality respirator but they cost too much for one that offers genuine protection.



And here they are stuck together.

They are a bit wonky so I'll need to sand them all down to be level with each other, yay more sanding, also mucked up by filing down all the middle pieces instead of just the 3 for the fan wires :(, but luckily they won't be seen thanks to the flat bar which covers the bottom area phew :D.


Just made a nasty discovery.
The 5mm sheets of acrylic are more like 4.9mm so all the fan holders are out by 0.5mm which is bad as the fan holders don't connect to each other now, so my only option is to sand down the bottom 3 fans by 0.5mm how s*** is that, so yeah this means anything I'm making with the 5mm sheet is not going to be correct thanks to the bad materials, the hdd fan holders is bad enough but I was going to make my own pci/io piece too, but might just about get away with 0.2mm error from the material, but holy sheet this isn't good :(, I can only guess they measure the materials with the protective backing :mad:.


Here is the new drill press with my hole cutter attached, I find it to be better & cleaner cutting than a hole saw :).

Read the warnings dude - "use in a well ventilated area"! :D

Good updates, keep em coming.

Oh I did that & then I browsed the net for information about how bad it is which is the main bit that was putting me off :eek:, but the thought of drilling & tapping I figured it would look a tiny bit messy so went for the adhesive :D.

But damn I'm going to have to sand the fans down by 0.5mm because of the sheets that were supposed to be 5mm turned out to be 4.9mm :(.
Very nice project dude keep posting picture.Where did you get cable sleeves?Are they a good quality?

:D I went for the MDPC sleeving & yes it is excellent quality :cool:, the sleeving will be very close to the final posts of the project log though unless I can get a good PSU & don't have to carry on using the enermax galaxy :).

Update :D.

Razzed through doing the fan holes & sanded the fans down just enough so they fit in the holders, the fan holders still require a bit more work & then sticking them together, then the fans can slide in & out, when I come to sticking them tomorrow I'll take a big fan with me so it blows the fumes well away from me.


That sucks that the acrylic's thickness is off - but shouldn't be that much hassle with the big sander you have. Would be a lot worse without it!

Looks like really nice clean holes from that hole-cutter. :cool: Are they pricy?
That sucks that the acrylic's thickness is off - but shouldn't be that much hassle with the big sander you have. Would be a lot worse without it!

Looks like really nice clean holes from that hole-cutter. :cool: Are they pricy?

Yeah it seems it's a common thing with acrylic sheets not being precise thickness so it being out by 0.1mm is actually really good, but bad for the fan holders as it adds up to 0.5mm & even worse for the fans as I had to sand them down by 0.5mm :eek: but they are still fully functional :).

The hole cutter is pretty cheap tool, think it set me back £14 on ebay, I find it far less aggressive than a hole saw but it's pretty scary how fast it spins even on the lowest speed of the press lol :D.

Think I'll make some jigs tomorrow to make the sticking process perfect.
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That looks pretty cool :) glad it's shaping up nicely :)

And that is a cheap tool indeed.... seems well worth it for the precision holes you got!

That looks pretty cool :) glad it's shaping up nicely :)

And that is a cheap tool indeed.... seems well worth it for the precision holes you got!


Thanks mate :), the exhaustion has caught up with me & just woke up from a 14 hour sleep :o:D.
I think once I have these fan holders stuck together I'll sand them down so they all blend together seamlessly & then possibly polish them :cool:, it'd be good to get each bit at a time complete then put them in a box ready & waiting for assembly :).

A day just doesn't feel complete to me without making some progress & an update while creating something lol.

Decided to change the hdd cages a little for more air flow & this will make it less work too ;).


Cut out & marked the extra hdd cage piece I messed up the other day from the new sheet of 3mm aluminium, so I have some spare if anything else goes wrong on the smaller parts, still only have 1 shot at the mobo tray & side panels though so I'll have to be extremely careful doing those :).

Woke up too late in the day to be using noisy tools but had a very long 14 hours sleep so I'll be up all night & all tomorrow so I'll try to get the hdd cages, hdd stand & fan holders completed tomorrow but can do some drilling as that's not noisy.

So here is the hdd cage pieces ready for drilling.


And drilled, still need to use this nice stepless cone drill bit so I can get a nicely rounded ends & so I can use the reciprocating saw on it, then file & sand.


And a quick test of the hdd mount holes, had to let them acclimatize to the warmer room, condensation aplenty :D.




Also with my brain not freezing up in the garage & being well rested I've had a chance to figure out how I'll make the multi layer curved front/top pieces & in theory it works excellent & is pretty simple to be honest so that's 1 less thing to be concerned about ;), I think the bulk of the hard work will be making the side panels.
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