Project Stealthlow

Fair play, when you get started on a project you don't hang around do ya!! Can't wait to see this come together :) will be keeping a close eye on this one!
@Diggsy Thanks mate :).

@K@rl Thanks mate.

@Evil^ Not tried them yet, what's wrong with them?

@Tomcat825 :D Thanks mate

@ EniGmA1981 :) got nothing better to do so why not get stuck in :D.

@xxela1337 Yeah hehe :D.

The supercharge from the long sleep wore off by the time I was able to get busy today but still got a bit more done today, took just over 3 hours to do these.

And thought why not do a step by step picture update for a change.

Piece ready for drilling with big enough drill bit to let the saw inside.

Start & end points in.

Clamp & cut.

The finished cut with selection of files.

After the coarse file.

After medium file.

After round file.

After rough sanding unwanted marks off.


Another test fit.


Not sure if the reciprocating saw needs a new blade or because it was a hard piece to clamp properly but the cuts took ages & left a nasty mark on the pieces so I used the disc sander to level it all off so they just need wet sanding now.
Very interesting and looking good :)

Thanks :).

Sheesh, very insignificant update here considering the time spent on it today :(.

Took all day to sand the hdd cage bits.
I have learnt not to use the reciprocating saw without good masking tape on to protect the surface & never to use the disc sander on surfaces, edges are fine but definitely not surfaces, creates way too much work & as you can see on the piece at the top it left quite a big scrape, I did wet sand them but when I cleaned all the crap off the water must have had a bad reaction with the aluminium & left blotchy stains so I dry sanded them with 240 grit.




I'm not happy with these to call them finished so I'll have to put another day into these pieces, all the inside edges are good though so at least I did something good on it today lol :).
excellent stuff - looking good

Thanks mate :).

I just put them together & they don't look as bad as I thought they were lol, sure they could use a little more sanding especially the one with the scar from the disc sander but yeah, not as bad as I first thought :).


:D I don't know why but I felt like doing a little more so I cut all the rest of the bars for the lower part to rough size so they just need sanding down to precise size, then drilling & tapping, wanted to use the disc sander but was a tad too loud for 10pm.


great work cant wait to see more

Looks very nice. Hard drive cages are pure bling

:cool: Thanks guys ;).

Sheet I don't like tapping aluminium, managed 1 side for the angle bar & managed 1 of 2 taps on the other side, the 2nd tap the bolt just slips in & out, it's a very hit & miss thing for me & is prooving a real PITA on these hdd cages, I might use a high quality adhesive if it irritates me too much, but if I do I can say bye bye to anodising :(.

Anyway I think I'm at a point where I should step away from it until I get my sleep pattern straight & to relax a bit, turn off machine mode & become human again :D & so I don't have to worry about a noise curfew lol :D. 3 days max & I'll get get my sleep pattern straight & get the needed materials for making some jigs too.
looks like it coming along very nicely

Thanks mate :).

Not an update, but a nice break through for me.

LOL, I just got an idea for drilling & tapping straight after saying I was going to have a little break.

I have used a cordless power drill before for doing some tapping but some how forgot about the success it was if done carefully, I also realised when using the drill press I didn't have the drill bit in far enough for it to drill exactly where I want.

So I thought I'd have a little practice/test with my usual 10/10 test to make sure something works :D, this time I made it 11/11 & they all came out absolutely perfect, so no need for a time out woo hoo :D, was really thinking I'm screwed when it comes to drilling even on a drill press, d'oh :o.



Only downside to this is now I can drill precisely where I want so none of this 0.5mm or even 1mm out annoyance I've been getting because of the drill bit not hitting the bullseye, so yeah I might remake the 4 hdd pieces, luckily the bases are spot on but the holes for the hdd mounts only just connect & is a struggle getting them to work right so I may re do these pieces, shame but I want perfection on all the function of this build, so no break yet :D.
Well its not focussing on one fan its all of them, they'll just not bother spinning on start up :/ my fan controller won't display they have stopped either because they weren't spinning in the first place (has an alarm if they do you see).

Idk mate I was probably just the unlucky one :(
Well its not focussing on one fan its all of them, they'll just not bother spinning on start up :/ my fan controller won't display they have stopped either because they weren't spinning in the first place (has an alarm if they do you see).

Idk mate I was probably just the unlucky one :(

:( Sounds crap mate, have you tried them hooked direct to the psu, I've had fan controllers go wonky on me before which is why I don't use them anymore, pretty scary when you leave the pc on overnight, wake up catch an iffy smell, touch the cpu heatsink & could cook breakfast on it :eek:, not fun.

If they work fine hooked straight to the psu then stick with that, my experience says fan controllers often fail but you are bound to come accross many who haven't had any issues with them, but for me every fan controller I have had failed & had about 5 ranging from the cheap to premium.

The fan controller you are using, what is it? but all the same try them hooked to your psu & see if they work ok & if not look into the warranty.
Scythe Kama meter not having any troubles with the noctuas I chucked on the h50 :S thinking about it it might be the way ive mounted the others (there exhaust attached to the top) ill give it a whirl anyway mate :) hope you don't have any trouble!

Nice progress by the way! keep reading it over and over XD
Nice to see another update!

Honestly, you seem to pretty much have project logs down to a Q! Reasonably often updates, good explanation and a reasonable number of pictures!

Absolutely loving it :)

Can only multi quote 3 at a time lol.

Evil^ Thanks mate :).

nice build, makes me wish i paid attention to technical drawing in school :(
thread subscribed
:D, I had no engineering lessons at all, it's just been heaps of trial & error to get where I am now so if I can do it, anyone can :D.

Nice to see another update!

Honestly, you seem to pretty much have project logs down to a Q! Reasonably often updates, good explanation and a reasonable number of pictures!

Absolutely loving it :)

Thanks kd, no other way to do a project log ;) & it's good to share how things can be done so anyone can take bits of ideas & come up with their own stuff once they learn & understand the basics :).

haha 11 tests, sound almost as much as a perfectionist as me:P

This is an interesting build, will keep my eye on it.

Best to test methods before trying to apply them ;) & thanks mate :).

I tried doing these simple angle connections 3 times now & still not happy with the results & 1 more muck up & I'll run out of spare angle bar, I think it's the low grade of the aluminium sheet, when I tapped the bars which is a high grade quality the taps were perfect & strong, not so with the sheet So I'm going to skip trying to tap them again & use adhesive, I'll be sure to run some strength tests before I do though ;). I'll buy the adhesive tomorrow along with materials for making some jigs.


It kind of looks fairly acceptable but really it's gotta be better than how it is, a big part of the design is easy maintenance & if kept like this it could be a slight PITA maintenance :P.

Also came across a sweet way of painting aluminium in Darth Beavis's new lan rig which I'll be doing & keep the metal visible like anodising & it's simply candy paint straight onto the aluminium & clear coated so this is what I'll be doing for finishing & can do a good colour coordination this way too :cool:.
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