Project: Style Over Substance (SOS)

you got anymore out of the cpu yet? :)


Just running some benchmarks @ 5GHz, it's not entirely stable but it's not terrible and load temps are still under 60c.
I am really fond of this build. Been thinking of going with this colour combo myself for my new build sometime in the near future.
Nice work!
I've decided to do some tests to see how well the FX scales with bus overclocking as opposed to just ramping up the multiplier.

AIDA64 Benchmarks -


Cinebench -


As you can see, even at stock speeds it gets a good bump from increasing the bus speed.

From what benchmarks I've found of the i5 clocked up to 5Ghz it just about matches a stock 2500k but it's not something I'd want to run 24/7. 4.6-4.8 would be a more sensible clock with ~1.45-1.5v and load temps of under 45c. Getting up to 5GHz took a huge bump in voltage and temps were above 55c so it's literally just for benchmarks.

I might pop and do a review of the FX6100 in the CPU section later, for the price I really don't think it's a bad little cpu even if it can't match the i5 for outright speed.
Thanks for all the great comments :D

My review of the Bulldozer is up in the cpu section if anyone fancies a read.

Next stage is to plan some lighting... Possibly thinking about using leds to back light the motherboard.
It's been a while since I've updated here so I figured I'd post up my latest plans!

I've discovered that if I move the front fans to the outside of the case they still (just about) fit under the front cover.


This leaves pretty much exactly the right amount of space for another 240mm rad internally...

Though I will need to figure out how to route the tubing as the top of the rad would be inside the 5.25" drive section at the top of the case.

I'm also in discussion with Corsair to see if they can ship me out a pair of twin pci-e adapters...

Can't wait 'till pay day ;)
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Just had a response from Corsair and they cant supply dual head pcie cables. Mucho disappointed as it means I'll need a new psu for my planned upgrades and I cant afford one alongside a 2nd gpu :(
Looks really nice Cyanide. You have a budget for the 2nd GPU/PSU?

If when you do put that card(s) under water, as they look like what I have (XFX 695X-CNFC/Z) you will need to use 6870 FC blocks rather than 6950 blocks. Seemingly the 695X PCB is based on the 6870 PCB.
Looks really nice Cyanide. You have a budget for the 2nd GPU/PSU?

If when you do put that card(s) under water, as they look like what I have (XFX 695X-CNFC/Z) you will need to use 6870 FC blocks rather than 6950 blocks. Seemingly the 695X PCB is based on the 6870 PCB.

I'm hoping to pick up a 2nd XFX 6950 in the next couple of months to match the current one. I don't think I'll put them under water as the setup looks good as it is and the cards match the rest of it fantastically as they are (and they don't run particularly hot!)

I reckon I can get away with my HX620 still, AnandTech have got 6950 CF @ 509w in Furmark (full system load with a last gen-i7) and the 620 is good for at least 620w constant (more than likely up to 640-650w). Gives a bit of overclocking headroom still. Not too concerned about it being close to the limit as I'm not going to be running constant benchmarks so in reality it'll probably only be ~450-500w on a full on gaming session. I'll just need to rig up a pair of molex-PCI-E connectors and split them across the cards so each one has got a dedicated PCIE and a molex.
Nice system.

I still think the bulldozer idea is a nice one, if not for me.

To be honest, the HX620 is a solid bet if you can get it to run both cards. If not and you want to save a bit of money, I'd try the MM. I picked up my HX650W off of the MM over a year ago now for about £60-70, and I think second hand prices are now at around 50-60. So it might be an idea. The AX PSUs also frequent the MM quite frequently at good prices. Only problem of course would be you'd have to buy a new set of braid, which I know from experience isn't cheap xD

It's not the cost of the braiding that worries me, it's the having to spend another 6 hours (or more seeing as there'd be extra PCIE cables) ripping my fingers apart and burning myself with a lighter trying to fit it all :p

Not done much in the last year, all my money's gone on my daughter who was born in February :)

I have, however, just upgraded to an FX8320 @ 4.4ghz, benchmarks to follow and another radiator's going in soon so I'll see how far she'll go!
Me again! :P

Finally got round to doing an improvement I meant to do aaaaages ago!

To start with I drained and removed the old cooling system


The top rad was a little bit dusty...


Then I squeezed a 240 rad in the front of the case, in front of the HDD rack and behind the case fans I moved a few years ago. It was insanely tight and I had to get my dremel on the old screw holes to make them bigger as they didn't quite line up


The fans then sat in front with Magicools rubber gasket in place to cut out vibration. For the time being I'm still using the Corsair LED case fans that came with the case.


Unfortunately the fans stuck out a tiny bit too much to get the front panel back on so I shoved a cutting disc on the dremel and did some minor surgery.


That then meant the front grill could go back on


And of course I couldn't re-use the manky old tubing so I've replaced it all with lovely new 1/2" white tubing with clips, moved the pump, replaced the GPU and tidied everything up a bit!

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