Project: Temjin-S

Ewwwww non watercooled silver inside TJ07! My eyes my poor poor eyes :(
don't worry - i will be changing that :p

I meant to ask what are you plans apart from just the watercooling?
Get my i7 back to 4.2, some spraying and some modding to give it a clean finish. Also need to cut some bits off that look ugly :D

P.s. hope you plan on some better pics too :)
photography is my weak point :( What exactly needs improving?
the only times I get shaking with my d50 is when something is dark, and the shutter takes longer to close
the thing that closes to take a picture :p

just sent a message to a guy on the bay who is selling a tj07 on the bay for £80- pickup only from london! (I asked if it was possible to arrange a courier :D)
Sweet, you finally started. Your physx card is currently better than my main card :(. I'm still using an 88GT (Although it is with an Accelero S1+Turbo module so silent and never goes above 50*C :D). Need to start ordering my stuff... I'm probably going to get a 6970 though, can't afford a 580.
Sweet, you finally started. Your physx card is currently better than my main card :(. I'm still using an 88GT 88GT? That's really old:eek:(Although it is with an Accelero S1+Turbo module so silent and never goes above 50*C :D)mine will be liquid cooled :p. Need to start ordering my stuff... I'm probably going to get a 6970 though, can't afford a 580.Get a 570
the thing that closes to take a picture :p

just sent a message to a guy on the bay who is selling a tj07 on the bay for £80- pickup only from london! (I asked if it was possible to arrange a courier :D)

From where? The bay?

Yeah, it is really old. I haven't made many hardware changes (bar RAM) to my rig since I built it four years ago.

Why te 570? Atm I'm thinking of the 6970 because performance/price is SO close but the 6970 waterblock looks nice :P. No big nickel plate on it.

If you get chance, any way you could do me a favour and put some pics up of black compressions on those waterblocks? Even if they're not in a loop. My imagination is crap. Can't remember if you said you had the compressions yet though.
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From where? The bay?


Yeah, it is really old. I haven't made many hardware changes (bar RAM) to my rig since I built it four years ago.

notice i said 88GT - not 8800 :)

Why te 570? Atm I'm thinking of the 6970 because performance/price is SO close but the 6970 waterblock looks nice :P. No big nickel plate on it.

the 570 performs better and I generally pprefer nvidia. Shorter card and cooler

If you get chance, any way you could do me a favour and put some pics up of black compressions on those waterblocks? Even if they're not in a loop. My imagination is crap. Can't remember if you said you had the compressions yet though.

will do when I have the time. light is fading so i can't get a decent pic until tomorrow :(

EDIT: Realised I double posted but can't find the delete button :X

This forum doesn't have one :mad::(

I meant I've never heard of "the bay". Whenever I hear "the bay" I always think of TPB.

Yeah I know, I always abbreviate it to 88GT, I'm very lazy. I still think I'll go for the 6970 just because I much prefer the look of the waterblock.

Alright, cheers. I forgot it's like 9pm back home. How can a major forum like this not have a delete button? Whadafack.
I meant I've never heard of "the bay". Whenever I hear "the bay" I always think of TPB :P.
oh, ebay :)

Yeah I know, I always abbreviate it to 88GT, I'm very lazy.
yes, yes you are :p:D

Alright, cheers. I forgot it's like 9pm back home.

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