Project: TITAN 4 !!!!

truly amazing pc would love some fps games with that :D

the case you have chosen is one of the best ive seen in years :cool:
Do some benchmarks, and I don't mean those fail benching programs, get some FRAPS on the go with FPS readouts in some demanding games, would love to see what this rig kicks out on Crysis 3, 1440p + ultra!
Would like to see what this beastie gets FPS wise in Planetside 2 :D

(Alt + F to bring up the FPS counter if you are mad enough to try it :-D)
Do some benchmarks, and I don't mean those fail benching programs, get some FRAPS on the go with FPS readouts in some demanding games, would love to see what this rig kicks out on Crysis 3, 1440p + ultra!

Thanks guys

I have played Crysis 3 @1600p totally maxed out running @stock clocks on air. I got about 60fps min, 80fps average and 100fps max.

Now the cards are on water I will do a rerun with the cards overclocked, I will also run the benches for Hitman, Tomb Raider and a few others.

On BF3 when I had a quick go running @stock on air I was getting just under 200fps @1600p maxed, I don't think BF3 will go above 200fps.

It will be in about 3 or 4 days time as I am working until then.
Do you like the blueberry coolant now it's in, or would you have gone with something different if you could pick again? :)

The coolant is ok but having seen what other people have done with cylinder type resovoirs and brighter coolant I realise I could have done better. Having said that I have learned a lot from looking at other peoples builds and next time I hope to do better appearance wise.
truly amazing pc would love some fps games with that :D

the case you have chosen is one of the best ive seen in years :cool:

Some game benchmarks all maxed

Tomb Raider @1600p

Tomb Raider @1080p

Sleeping Dogs @1600p

Sleeping Dogs @1080p

Hitman 1600p

Hitman 1080p
Wow that setup is just insane.... I am suprised that the FPS still goes below 60 with hitman! Must be bad coding on the game or something.
Amazing benchmarks mate. Crysis 3, Hitman and Tomb Raider are all AMD Evolved titles to so those Titans are being held back a little, plus it'll probably be a couple years until a setup with 4 cards is supported on the software side, to the point that they'll be put to maximum use. Oh and the fact that most games aren't even coded with triple figure FPS numbers in mind, so the game engines themselves will be bottlenecking the hardware. Probably sounds far fetched but your FPS numbers will drastically increase as the years go by IMO. The fact that Tomb Raider was running at 200fps at some points is crazy from an engine's point of view. Under perfect conditions I'd put money that a setup like this could run Crysis 3 maxed at 1600p 200+ fps consistent. Hitman is the only one I can compare with myself, but you're getting about 40% extra performance with your 4 Titans than what I get with a single 670 that's also in a rig that's inferior in every other aspect to yours, despite you having about 400% the power. It's a shame that when an amazing rig like this comes along that it's being throttled by so many different factors.

Best rig I've ever seen.
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Amazing benchmarks mate. Crysis 3, Hitman and Tomb Raider are all AMD Evolved titles to so those Titans are being held back a little

Nope. Gaming Evolved titles but the Gaming Evolved features will run fine on a Titan as it has a 384 bit bus and all the compute based stuff which GK104 lacks.
awesome cheers for benchies :D

would love to see crysis 3 running like that :cool: you should do some videos youtube. sure you would get quite a good following with a rig like that.
Thanks everyone

Here is one last bench



I think I may have a bit of a bottleneck on this one, the CPU was @5.1ghz.:)
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