Project: Two storey/part single storey side and rear extensions



15 Oct 2007
What's their excuse for leaving all that crap underneath? To save time, I guess.

I brought this up Friday evening, and after some discussion, we reached an understanding. In fairness, he had five workers show up yesterday to rectify many of the issues I raised with the base. From what I saw before I left early in the morning, they had started lifting and clearing out. The bricks have remained, but any soil, from what I can tell, has been removed. My wife who was here yesterday said they spent most of the day lifting sections and clearing.

The ground is also maybe 50% overpour from the foundation and was previously slabbed (I should have maybe mentioned that in my original post)


The labour cost was £1,500 and it took 3 days. The 4th day (yesterday) was naturally non-chargeable.

I can't chime in about anything to do with the laying of decking as I know zero about it, but the end result looks fantastic for it. Hopefully it lasts for you.

Unfortunately "hopium" won't help at all here.

Honestly that's terrible and lazy work with the rubble dumping and frame embedded in it all.

As dlockers has said, get a level across the decking to make sure it falls away from the house.

Cheers, i have grabbed some photo's this morning and overall i am pretty pleased with it. The water is falling away from the house (there is a natural slope even before they started) and they connected into my soakaways for items such as the step.



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