Project: World of Warships

Sounds like a great build.
I hope that you can get the money and tools for all those adjustments.
I keep following this thread. Awesome!

Greetz. Deystorm
Heya guys wee update, maybe some of you won't know but the cases are not due into OcUK now until end of July, which is a shame but Chug assures us that OcUK will be first in the world to get them most likely, which is good news. I'll be away until early August anyway so I'll show you a teaser of what I'm trying to draw using Sketchup. I've never used it before really so I'm learning as I go.

It needs some work but I'm just wanted to show you something tangible, this anchor which is the logo for World of Warships, shall be made out of a block of aluminium which I have sat on the desk next to me. I'm going to try inlaying green/blue acrylic and backlight it for mounting on the front of the case. Now I'm going to try doing it all myself so might do a dummy run in wood as I really not sure how I will do it with my drill and trusty dremel. Of course a cnc milling machine would be great but I don't have one lying around ;)



After a few hours and some help from my bro Dode we came up with a much better proportioned logo

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can not wait for this build

Тhis build will be еpic! Can't wait to see more photos :)

Hey guys thanks for following, will be not much happening till August I'm afraid. But my 980ti's have shown up and I'm stress testing them atm with some Folding@home.

rrmitko, you blue build is inspiring me somewhat. Trying to find a nice cobalt blue...

In the meantime I've also managed to bend my first acrylic pipe today for my dual cpu Midas upgrade, will update that log soon with some pics and hope to finish it this week.

UPDATE: Looks like I may have found my motherboard, Asus Z170 Deluxe is going to be white/blue very similar to current X99 version. I think that might suit the build, thoughts?

Here is the Z170 Pro

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I think that board is an awesome choice. Even from stock, it has a very industrial look to it like the ships with a bit of flair on the sinks

Yeah its a lovely looking board, its not a definite choice but it would really suit the colours I was planning to use.

Edit: I've a sneaking suspicion the case isn't going to arrive 31st July, Phanteks USA are listing 17th Aug and 18th Aug I hope I'm wrong.
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following this awesome build

Yun it means a lot to me that you are following this and thanks also for all your help ;)

I'm having massive dilemma over whether to go X99 or Z170, considering I do like to using my machine for gaming, folding, BONIC and video stuff it seems like X99 is a better fit. I'd prefer to have the extra cores for Folding and BONIC.

The Asus X99 Sabertooth looks like it would be a good choice as I can make that armour work with the theme. I've also been hunting for memory, I had this crazy idea that I could use Red and Green for Port and Starboard not seen any ddr4 that would suit that, so blue is next best choice. But would love something that lights up.

I've kinda given up on the idea of using my old x79, might use that for a dirty ole folder rig.
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Yun it means a lot to me that you are following this and thanks also for all your help ;)

I'm having massive dilemma over whether to go X99 or Z170, considering I do like to using my machine for gaming, folding, BONIC and video stuff it seems like X99 is a better fit. I'd prefer to have the extra cores for Folding and BONIC.

The Asus X99 Sabertooth looks like it would be a good choice as I can make that armour work with the theme. I've also been hunting for memory, I had this crazy idea that I could use Red and Green for Port and Starboard not seen any ddr4 that would suit that, so blue is next best choice. But would love something that lights up.

I've kinda given up on the idea of using my old x79, might use that for a dirty ole folder rig.

Have you tried reaching out to avexir ? They have green/red flashing ddr4. Unsure if it's core or blitz series. Worth a shot :)
Are you sure its DDR 4? That would be awesome if they do. I follow their development log on FB but not sure where i'd contact for EU, anyone?
I don't think I'll be using this but Asus have a World of Warships theme on their new box art.

Also I'm being delayed at work for another week, due to my shipmate being sick, so not much progress. I think in hindsight I started the log way too soon, my apologises.

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Nice choice

Colour scheme - I'd say the Cleaveland can help there (upgraded hull) ;)

+1 I love my Cleveland, colour wise defo lots of grays/blue. The above board isn't what I'm going for, my front runner is X99 Sabertooth. My case still hasn't arrived either yet which seems odd but now that I'm having to do overtime at least I should have some extra funds :D
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Purchased the following for the build :

Asus X99 Sabertooth
Intel 5930k
Teamgroup Vulcan 16GB DDR 4 Ram (hopefully only needed for testing, as hoping to have some ram from Avexir)
Samsung 1TB EVO SSD
Samsung 512GB M.2 x4 SM951 boot drive
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