Yun it means a lot to me that you are following this and thanks also for all your help
I'm having massive dilemma over whether to go X99 or Z170, considering I do like to using my machine for gaming, folding, BONIC and video stuff it seems like X99 is a better fit. I'd prefer to have the extra cores for Folding and BONIC.
The Asus X99 Sabertooth looks like it would be a good choice as I can make that armour work with the theme. I've also been hunting for memory, I had this crazy idea that I could use Red and Green for Port and Starboard not seen any ddr4 that would suit that, so blue is next best choice. But would love something that lights up.
I've kinda given up on the idea of using my old x79, might use that for a dirty ole folder rig.