Prometheus 2 aka Alien: Paradise Lost

You don't say. :rolleyes:

It doesn't detract from the fact I found his character awkward and unbearable on screen. It just felt more like bad acting.
But if you realize that he was just playing the role he was directed to play, then why are you put off him as an actor in general?

Sorry for making you think here.
The best bit about Lindelof not being involved is when people fail to understand the plot again the go to scapegoat is not available.
The best bit about Lindelof not being involved is when people fail to understand the plot again the go to scapegoat is not available.

You are the director, I am the screen writer. I pitch to you "magical goo" that
- enlarges living creatures on contact to 10 times the size but only if the species is less than 20cm long
- momentarily revives (then explodes) heads of deceased Engineer species on contact
- disintegrates bodies of living Engineer species into cosmic "seeds of life" when digested
- kills the living Engineer species dead across the hallways on contact
- turns deceased human species into invincible spider crawling zombies on contact
- turns living male human species into super strong paranoid rageaholics when digested
- inseminates barren female human species with squid babies on contact without infecting or affecting host in any other way other than impacting slightly on the subjects ability to change running direction at will.

How many bottles of tequila have to be emptied before the pitch for me, as a writer to stay on your film set?
But if you realize that he was just playing the role he was directed to play, then why are you put off him as an actor in general?

Sorry for making you think here.

I already answered that. I thought he was acting bad, not playing the role intended. Ergo, to me, he's a bad actor. I generally didn't like him before when he popped up in various movies, this was the final nail in the RG coffin :)
- momentarily revives (then explodes) heads of deceased Engineer species on contact

This was the electricity they applied to the back of the head.

- turns living male human species into super strong paranoid rageaholics when digested

He just sat down and let himself be incinerated, don't think he attacked anyone after ingesting.

But generally you're right with most of your points :)
- inseminates barren female human species with squid babies on contact without infecting or affecting host in any other way other than impacting slightly on the subjects ability to change running direction at will.

That's going on my CV.
You are the director, I am the screen writer. I pitch to you "magical goo" that
- enlarges living creatures on contact to 10 times the size but only if the species is less than 20cm long
- momentarily revives (then explodes) heads of deceased Engineer species on contact
- disintegrates bodies of living Engineer species into cosmic "seeds of life" when digested
- kills the living Engineer species dead across the hallways on contact
- turns deceased human species into invincible spider crawling zombies on contact
- turns living male human species into super strong paranoid rageaholics when digested
- inseminates barren female human species with squid babies on contact without infecting or affecting host in any other way other than impacting slightly on the subjects ability to change running direction at will.

How many bottles of tequila have to be emptied before the pitch for me, as a writer to stay on your film set?

Those things weren't what I was thinking of when I said that, but anyway it could have been magic dna altering scarabs that came out of the goo instead.
Just seen that R.Scott has said that we are getting 3 more movies!

Over the moon!
Seems they clearly see potential for pre-Alien movies, especially if we're now getting an extra movie. But it still doesn't really alleviate my worries because to suddenly gain an extra movie from something that was originally written to be a trilogy sounds like stretching to me. I don't like when an original vision is tampered with, it just stinks of suits butting in.

Got zero expectations now :(
I never realised this - and they thought it was a good idea to cut this from the movie?

Sadly they cut loads of the "informative" scenes from the movie which actually explain pretty much every single point that people had an issue with in the first place. Really winds me up just thinking about how poorly it was edited.
Not really surprised by that announcement. Scott said some time ago that they were looking to add another 2 or 3 films after Prometheus. Come the end of this new planned trilogy, we shall see if the butchering of Jon Spaights story turning it into the mess that was Prometheus, was worth it.
There was so much stupidity in the film it just gets anoying, stupid on top of stupid on top of stupid... i think some of it was due to scenes being cut... ... some parts were so stupid they made my head hurt

Ditto, and it never ceases to amaze me when I read people saying it was "amazing"... it just goes to show how simple people's tastes can be and how low their expectations are. They don't notice or analyse things that don't make sense, the things that cause loss of immersion and belief in what you are seeing.

Prometheus could have been great if they had just been true to the franchise, not tried to say "It's not aliens", and made some true prequels that fleshed out the Alien universe and acted as a history and background to the original movies.

Instead we got a lame duck plot, some absolutely HORRENDOUS script and acting... the two scientist guys talking to the sinister looking and unknown alien organism like it's a labrador puppy still makes me want to bang my head against a wall in how ridiculously moronic it is.

It was just a fundamentally poorly constructed movie in almost every aspect besides the quality of special effects.
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