You are the director, I am the screen writer. I pitch to you "magical goo" that
- enlarges living creatures on contact to 10 times the size but only if the species is less than 20cm long
- momentarily revives (then explodes) heads of deceased Engineer species on contact
- disintegrates bodies of living Engineer species into cosmic "seeds of life" when digested
- kills the living Engineer species dead across the hallways on contact
- turns deceased human species into invincible spider crawling zombies on contact
- turns living male human species into super strong paranoid rageaholics when digested
- inseminates barren female human species with squid babies on contact without infecting or affecting host in any other way other than impacting slightly on the subjects ability to change running direction at will.
How many bottles of tequila have to be emptied before the pitch for me, as a writer to stay on your film set?