Prometheus 2 aka Alien: Paradise Lost

I disagree that Prometheus was a good film on its own, it looked good, had some good action scenes, and terrible scripting with a poor plot, and awful idiocy that couldn't be explained away in any acceptable manner.

I am hoping they sacrifice the burnt out husk of a corpse from a burned man Lindelhof prior to starting this script, and then, only then, burn him again. This might appease some karmic relationship somewhere and get us back on track.
Prometheus was only good if you could ignore the lack of logic, the poor script, the awful characterisation and the clichés. It did look nice, though.
I loved Prometheus, but I hated it at the same time.

What ruined it the most for me was the ending - the same as Matrix, I'll come back to that - when a). Shaw flies away in the spaceship, its just stupid, after David's severed head says there is another ship, there is a massive time gap between the narration and them finding this other spacecraft, not only that but manages to take off too and fly away into the sunset. What a load of ****. b). Why include the 'Alien' like creature that comes out the Engineer. Why?! After Ridley emphasised time and time again, its not an Alien prequel, he goes and tacks that last scene on, its not needed. **** head.

As for Matrix, I hated...hated with a passion that Neo could fly and at the end of Matrix flies towards the camera like no no no no no no no.
As for Matrix, I hated...hated with a passion that Neo could fly and at the end of Matrix flies towards the camera like no no no no no no no.

I still cannot get over it was 1999 and can still remember all the craze like it was yesterday. To everyone wanting flip phones, shades to remixes... Even Matrix remixes used in game mods like Rocket Arena 3.
I'm looking forward to this movie despite how flawed Prometheus was. The premise of the first movie was all about mystery and intrigue and asking big questions about our origins, and for that, I liked it very much. However the script, rabidly stupid cast and illogical actions almost completely destroyed it.

I'm confident Paradise Lost will be much better because Ridley has pretty much come out and said that he knows why it went wrong and that he let the movie run away from him.
Prometheus sucked so hard and had the most idiotic crew ever. I will watch this but go in with rock bottom expectations

Prometheus suffered badly at the hands of the editors. The cut scenes really make the film much better. It's a shame it was butchered so badly at release.
Better yes, but not by much. Some things fit better or make more sense, but there is still too much stupid nonsense in that film that no amount of editing would fix.
I kept saying for weeks after release that everything in Prometheus points to the studio not being able to secure or not willing to pay for Alien franchise license and ended up rewriting the whole thing to be some sort of "Alien adjacent knock-off universe" weirdness. And effectively that's exactly how it was made and it's what it is. And it will never be anything else.

As much as I think Ridley Scott against all odds made a stunning looking movie out of Lindeloff's toilet rewrite and I sympathise with his loudly ticking life clock to make all the sequels he always wanted before his mortal coil expires - connecting Prometheus' knock-off universe through some sort of licensed "sequel to non-prequel" to the original Alien is just going to further deteriorate the franchise. At least as it stands, Prometheus can be considered non canon. It can be discarded, like Alien v. Predator movies. With Paradise Lost connecting trouser stains of magic goo and pteromorphs to the original Alien the balance of good movies in the franchise to dysentery of bar stewardised spoofs that even directors hate will be irreversibly tipped so deep into Uwe Ball territory that the only next move would be to completely reboot the whole thing in half a decade and murder the Alien/Aliens classics in the process.
He's only actually made 1 good film in 3 though, District 9 which is a superb piece of sci fi.

Elysium is a very standard formulaic movie and badly written, Chappie was only watchable because Sharlto Copley did the voice.

Isn't that the South African who has the worst South African accent in the world?

The worst thing about District 9 was that awful accent.
Prometheus suffered badly at the hands of the editors. The cut scenes really make the film much better. It's a shame it was butchered so badly at release.

Is there an edit why the man responsible and has just mapped the entire interior gets lost?
Apparently the title of this film has now been changed to 'Alien: Covenant.'

Apparently they've also hired 'Spectre' writer John Logan, to make sense of this film. So another re-write of someone else's work, just as Prometheus was? Doesn't bode well.

These muppets never learn; just repeating the same mistakes over and over.

Oh dear :p

I do hope they tie in Prometheus properly and make it all work but I have huge doubts and zero expectation after the tragic experience of Prometheus.
Umm a lot of white South Africans sound like that, my Dad spent years there.

OK, I've met several and they all had a much more familiar sounding accent. I've never heard anyone else speak like that, not even sports people and so on.
I kept saying for weeks after release that everything in Prometheus points to the studio not being able to secure or not willing to pay for Alien franchise license and ended up rewriting the whole thing to be some sort of "Alien adjacent knock-off universe" weirdness. And effectively that's exactly how it was made and it's what it is. And it will never be anything else.

The film was released by Fox who own the rights to the Alien franchise. It wasn't that they wanted to make an Alien film but couldn't, the problem was the opposite. The original script was an Alien film, but they wanted it changing into something different, so they could make a new franchise spin-off from that.

The studio effectively screwed up what could have been a much better film, and if the news that John Logan has been hired to make "sense" of this new film's script is anything to go by; we can expect Alien: Covenant's script, to end up a mish mash mess of ideas from different writers, just as Prometheus was.

Fox clearly will never learn. As long as it makes them money, that's the aim of the game. And it will, and then will be deemed a success. **** film after **** film, raking in money. Why bother to make a good film when they can churn out some nonsense, which plenty of people it would seem love paying to see.
Just stumbled across an Interesting article I've never read before about the original.

Apparently the original title was 'ALIEN:ENGINEERS' with John Spaihts original draft much closer to ALIEN.

I really enjoyed Prometheus apart from the elements which many of you have already discussed, the cuts really were detrimental unfortunately but here's hoping for that Directors Cut!!:cool:

In my mind I kind of can come to terms with the stupidity of the crew by simply thinking 'Vickers' wanted the mission to fail believing that it was her fathers desperation driving a pointless endeavour. Therefore she hired people less than at the top of their fields. The only crew she had no choice over were 'Shaw' and 'Holloway'.

Prometheus was more than the movie. It was also about the viral marketing and teasers. If you hadn't followed these and saw the film in anticipation of it being clearly tied to ALIEN it's understandable there was disappointment. Hopefully the sequel will balance these expectations:cool:
So it begins. Ridley came out and said that it's called Paradise Lost, that he has the finished script and that he knows why the first movie basically failed. Everything looks dandy!

Now they've changed the name and brought in someone else to, what I assume, rewrite the script. This changes everything and now I no longer have any faith that it's going to be the movie I hoped it would be.
So it begins. Ridley came out and said that it's called Paradise Lost, that he has the finished script and that he knows why the first movie basically failed. Everything looks dandy!

Now they've changed the name and brought in someone else to, what I assume, rewrite the script. This changes everything and now I no longer have any faith that it's going to be the movie I hoped it would be.

Yeah, pretty much this. The whole thing is a mess. On the one hand, he makes a point of saying the movies aren't a prequel and that it's a different story that hints at the evolution of the Alien in the process of telling it. Then he gives interviews saying "now we'll find out who made the Alien", as if that's the main selling point in the next one. I think the next one will be another train wreck of mashed up ideas.

And of course he's starting on the new Blade Runner movie too :mad:
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