Thank you, i have ordered an Asus adaptor, but can return it if all is well with my current set-up.Some good news, the onboard bluetooth on that motherboard works perfectly with the psvr2 controllers
Thank you, i have ordered an Asus adaptor, but can return it if all is well with my current set-up.Some good news, the onboard bluetooth on that motherboard works perfectly with the psvr2 controllers
will do that as soon as possible.Let us know what you think @roddypoddy Very close to pulling the trigger myself while it is on sale.
Just use the wired antenna that came with the motherboardThank you, i have ordered an Asus adaptor, but can return it if all is well with my current set-up.
TLDR; I'm a little non-plused at this stage, was expecting more, but it's early days, I've only tested on one game, and I don't think I'll be able to fully judge until I have perscription lens inserts.
Yes not impressed with mine. In almost every way it's worse than my Quest Pro. I was expecting it to be much sharper than it is and it's just not comfy for me either, even with mods. Worst thing is the lenses which are awful. Terrible chromatic aberration and tiny sweet spot.