Nismo said:
Thats what I read, rumble interfered with the motion sensors.
Question is if thats true, would they have even considered using motion sensors if they were still allowed to use the rumble technology?
Thats what i was wondering, did they take out the rumble and think 'crap gotta put something in' so done the tilt?
But the fact games like warhawk support it, makes me wonder how long its really been in the pipline.
i think i will preffer tilt to rumble anyway, as others have said it gets annoying, its terrible when u put your controller on the desk to watch a cut scene (like MGS has many many many of) and soil yerself cos of the racket
I like the triggers though, will still mean top sholder is shooting, and the buttom below is the secondary button, not the other way around like on the 360.
Only dissapointment for me really is the lack of hdmi, but thats just to sell cables
was expecting the price tbh, was hoping it wasnt going to be, but i wont mind, just hope they have some killer launch titles.
only 2 things remain now
1. Show off the online
2. When can i pre order!!!! lol