Pub Quiz Names - Witty, rude, and down right wrong...

At one recent pub quiz, we weren't allowed to have "We sold Madeline McCann to to the Moroccan slave trade" yet another team were allowed to have "Leah Betts died in Ecstasy"! :confused:
At one recent pub quiz, we weren't allowed to have "We sold Madeline McCann to to the Moroccan slave trade" yet another team were allowed to have "Leah Betts died in Ecstasy"! :confused:

It does seem a bit hypocritical but two things count against you there - Leah Betts was older (and the death, while unfortunate was self-inflicted) plus it is comparatively speaking quite a long time ago so people are less sensitive about it.
Some of the recent ones I can remember:

"Quiz on my face"
"Micheal barrymore's swimming team"
"Hilliary's a hater"
find a medic and get him/her to tell you the name of the condition that means you can't do repetitive actions like clapping, it's long and amusing :)
If ever our team had to stand at the bar, we'd call ourselves 'Last Orders'

So when the points were read out the quizmaster would say

'Last orders at the bar...' - to a lot of shocked faces
My personal favourite was a mates team once:

"I've got enough ******* yoghurt to shampoo a mammoth."

Have used "mass debate" before aswell.
We had a team of scousers who we called 'Munich was not a disaster' at our Union quiz. Similarly, the Mancs went with 'It's just, a little crush'.
Me and a mate used to go pub quizzes a bit, we were called JD + Coke.

J (Jon), D (Darren), and both drinking it! Suited us well. :)
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