PUBG crate. The spares build.

More like bore - a.

I went to the funeral about oo, ten days ago now. And got Covid. So I have been bloody stuck here for 10 days more than I wanted to be here (at mum's). I don't think I have ever been so bored in all my bloody life. The problem has been being overly knackered, and knowing for a fact I will never have got it up the stairs to the flat.

Am going home tomorrow. At least I can stop at each level and take a breather.
Bought one of these from the MM.


It's an older 850w gold model. Basically the Gigabyte one I have (it's not the splodey one) makes a clicking sound. It's faint, but it is annoying. Other than that it seems to work absolutely fine.. Thing is, I think it may be the fan. However, it is listed as a 135mm fan. Meaning that it is probably a 140. However, like my Enermax PSU I changed the fan in last year for my server it had 120mm mounting holes. Meaning I mess around and find a fan or do what I did last time and drill holes. Neither of which I can be bothered with right now, so I bought a replacement unit. There is more reasons than just that though.

1. Knowing my luck it isn't the fan and is a component. So I would waste time and money and it would still click.
2. It has capacitors on the cables. For smoothing apparently, but it makes them messy, bulky and clumsy.
3. I used up my only spare test PSU on Modular. Meaning I no longer have one, and I need one for times I am messing with water cooling so I can run the pump separately. It is also nice to have a spare in the house, given there are 3 PCs here.

I will fit some stuff later maybe. Chilling atm.
So I've gotten this far. SSDs wrapped and fitted (and wired) cooler fan fitted (wanted to put it with the nice alu side up but couldn't due to the power/RGB whart) fitted the RAM and installed the two RGB strips. I wasn't going to use them, as it would have been grief, but it seems they literally loop with the fans. Noice.


Well buggeration. The GPU hits the CPU cooler. I sometimes wonder who designs all of these cases tbh. I mean really, do they not even TRY and fit an air cooler with the GPU vertical?

This would not be an issue IF the GPU didn't stick up so much. But it does, and tbh? so do most of them now. After faffing with it all day and removing the cooler and thinking about modding the case I gave up. It simply isn't going to work, and I simply CBA hacking the case to bits.

I started looking around, and I found this for £23.


Which is a staggeringly low price. I watched a review of a guy testing it with a 12600k, so it should have more than enough cooling capacity. What I really like is the way it fits. Instead of hogging your RAM space it raises over the VRM cooling, so I should be fine.


The good thing is the fan will no longer be impeded badly like it was by the RAM.


It also comes with two sets of fan clips. One for the low profile fan it uses (which I will ditch) and one for a normal 25mm fan. Which for the price is amazing, and the grey part looks so much better than the black extruded plastic top on the Cryorig. I reckon it will look way better being able to see the whole fan too.
So yesterday afternoon I fitted the GPU. Do note, at this point there was no PSU.


Not only does it fit like a glove it also leaves lots of room to work in there. I can access the RAM, SSDs etc. I tell you what I absolutely love this case. It is nothing special, just steel (and a bit thin steel at that) and plastic but it looks much more expensive than it is and has tons of room. I would not suggest putting a GPU in the vertical mount like that if you intend to use the glass (and I do), but in my case the card is cooled remotely. IE by the rad. So it is fine. It's also amazing how you can dump a load of butt ugly PCIE cards in there and it hides them all.

Another note, since putting in the PSU I have added a lot more combs to the GPU wires. I will get more pics when the installing is all done and the setting up and testing. Again another note, I have had no time to sync the RGB right now and nor can I be bothered.

So last night I grew impatient and fitted the 750w PSU. And guess what? no clicking. I have a strange feeling it just did not like Threadrippers, which is what it has always powered. I took a chance and fully wired it properly, and thank the lord it booted first time.


Please excuse the mess. It is the weekend, and I have been doing lots of wash. Just need to put that away lol.

Few rig pics of rainbow farts.



You can see the GPU cables better in that shot. They look bloody brilliant.


I have just installed PUBG on it and will use that to test it properly tonight. It is about the most torturous piece of software I have lol.
Remember how I said it was done? I sorta lied.

For ages and ages now I have been drooling over the Lian Li Odyssey X. I don't care what Gamer's Nexus have said about it. Any way, I just haven't been able to muster up the amount of cash they cost (£400) due to everything shooting up in price. I guess I could have saved for it, but that would have meant waiting ages.

Today I woke up to find an extra £1300 in my bank account. And it is all totally legit. As such I caught up, sent my mother £300 for her holiday (I have paid half) and bought some clothes (boring, but sensible) and yeah, have just been sitting around all day contemplating buying crap. And then I remembered I really wanted a OX.

Had a look around but they have only dropped to £370. Whilst I now had more than enough cash I have always bought stuff based on price. I know for a fact the quality will be unmatched, because my 012 is absolutey incredible. And then it happened.

£220 on Ebay. Guy bought it, opened the box and never built into it.



As it happens I did not want the black one. Mostly because it is very dark. I also bought black/grey cable extensions, so yeah that was a no brainer.

It looks like this.


But I will not be running it that way. I want to run it as I am running the TUF now. Like this.


But with the glass closed. This gives me a great chance to fit the 850w PSU too, as I got impatient. I have it now. All seems to work perfectly, just a little dusty. So I can pull that apart and give it a nice clean.
Not sure of where I could put the 2tb of SATA SSDs I decided to return them to the NAS I stole them from lol. Grabbed this, 2tb.

Here we go ! case got. The box is enormous, so I totally fell erse over head when coming up the stairs lmao.


I shall run the front panels like this.


Looks the best IMO. The top is very thick.


As I suspected Gamer's Nexus and Jay didn't mention the quality at all. Why would they? they wouldn't appreciate it. As such their negative attitude about it made me want it even more. As it stands the quality is sublime as I have come to expect from Lian Li.

One good thing is I don't have to change much of anything. I have decided on layout. 4 120 in, two 120 on the rad for the GPU mounted in the side, then three on the top taking air out. Meaning I don't have to take much of anything to bits.

The over engineered screw kit made me smile too lol.

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Afternoon all. So last night I very begrudgingly stripped down all of the work I had spent three days doing LOL. Curse of the 1000 cable ties ffs. Any way, I messed around and got some done. The front fans are in. For some reason it fooled me into thinking I could get 4 in there, but it actually takes 3. This is fine, it is more than enough.


I don't have the last 3 yet, so I put one up top for now. It has been blacked on the exhaust side like those front ones. I need to do that to two more.




Very happy so far, though it may need a mod. I don't want the PSU cable cover thing covering the PSU, I want it perfectly lined up with the end. I don't think that is going to happen unless I drill a new hole in it to move it forward a bit more. IDK, will have a measure up in a minute and see what my options are.
OK so today I had a bit of a choice to make. Take the cable apart and braid the wires in paracord, whilst also repinning the GPU side wires (as they were piggy backed) or, come up with something else. I would have done the former as I have the paracord, but then I noticed one of the wires was doubled and I just wasn't in the mood. I then realised I had tons of those Super Flower cables left in black, and, some were already made into doubles. And so.


I have held it up next to the Asus cables and it just looks a bit shinier but otherwise the same. That will do for me. I have to make some fan stickers in a bit, and then that will be the bits done here.
OK so I got home yesterday afternoon. I then started work. Contrary to belief you CAN move the PSU shroud. At this point I had all of the fans in (ignore the one in the floor, that will become permanent later when my mate prints me a stand) and it was up and running.


I can't change the PSU colour because none of the splitters and connectors I have are those ghastly horrid ones. You know? this crap.


Well, aside from the ones on the mobo. As such I needed that to connect it, so I have ordered it. Should be here later, then I can 100% finish it for now. Like I said, I would like a fan mount for the last fan and I want to make a cover for under the bottom of the rad to hide those cables from view. Talking of which. I did the best I could.


That said I am more than happy with it. The way the rig stands you won't see it any way.


All of the neons are now fitted. I broke down Modular last week as I am giving a friend the internals (well, all of it but the GPU, that is going to another mate) and I wanted my desk back. The case is proudly on display now. Any way, couple more.



As you can see I made a decal too.
God I am stupid. I ordered the splitter last night, then checked the PSU box again. It came with a 3 pin locking cable as well ffs. Thankfully Lian Li include a lot of splitters with their fans for the RGB, and they break out from 4 pin to a 3 pin too. What caught me off guard (and why it ended up back in the box) was the connector from the PSU only has two wires. Then it dawned on me that it's because it nicks its 5v from the PSU. DOH.

As such another hour rolling around on the floor was enough to finish it. And man, it's stunning.







My PC is ready, my game key is ready, my wallpaper is ready and my body is ready. BRING ON THE ZOMBIE CURB STOMPING !
You're doing what now? After all that milling work? Wish I was your friend :cry: could do with some ITX parts for 2 awesome, yet likely never happen, projects.

But I'm still grateful for the EK badges ;)

Oh he ain't getting it free. He isn't paying either, just favours for favours. See also that belmet above, who doesn't realise the 2080Ti he is about to get will come at a cost.. Muhahahaha.

G - I wish. You know me, I never stop. It's onto bikes now :D

I gotta say I am pretty darn pleased with myself tbh. I managed to buy the case, PSU and fans for what I would have paid RRP for the case. I did have a moment with it earlier when I thought "AHA ! so that's why the git sold it to me !!" and then I realised I was stupid, and the panels only fit one way :D
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