It's IPS too apparently. You can get a nicer enclosure one for about a tenner more but I CBA. I don't like, or want, either. I will machine my own. At least now I won't have the wrath of my mother sitting directly below the machine trying to watch TV. Weather how it is now she can go in the garden.
Well today was a bit of a p1553r.
I finished TLOU again, this time at 4k. AVG FPS 55. A couple of stutters here and there, but then it was like that on the 2080Ti at 1440p too.
What was nagging at me though was testing the new card. I ran Timespy Extreme for an hour or so. However, for some reason the score was below average and just "Good". I wasn't that fussed. Figured maybe because I am using a lower rent CPU based on gaming that could be why. I also thought that maybe it was the MBA card letting the side down, as I hear the higher priced models are a little bit faster.
I thought "Hmm, I will open GPUZ and see !". Well firstly GPUZ isn't even on the rig. IDK why, I *always* put it on to check everything is as it should be when I do a build, but because the GPU was over 4 years old I didn't bother.
I should have.
So yeah, installed it and opened it. "AMD Radeon 6950XT X4 @ PCIE 3.0". Erm, WHAT? "OK so I will just have to run the render test and it will pop up correctly". NOPE !
So now I am starting to panic a bit. Like, what if something is wrong with the GPU?. Or, what if something is wrong with the mobo I have now had for many months and there will not be an RMA replacement for? panic set in.
I went into the BIOS and had a poke around. Looked at the Bifurcation settings but the X16 was not showing there either. Just X8 X8 or X4x2 and X8. What I did see though was a list of the lanes. And the X16 one was empty. Eh x2.
So I got the mobo box out and looked at the manual. Can you see it?
Who in the heck does that? Like, what dude thought it would be a good idea to make the top slot AKA "INSERT YOUR POWERFUL GPU HERE" X4?
Melons. Any way, fixed. Sadly fixed too late to play TLOU as I am finished that for the second time in a month.
So I bought myself Uncharted lol.