Advertised RRPs are fictional and only apply to MBA cards sold directly. AMD and Nvidia both did this to con the reviewers, it's as simple as that. If their board partners can't box up & ship MBA to us for less than AMD CLAIM the MSRP should be then that's proof enough that those prices aren't realistic.
Compare the performance of the 6700 XT Nitro with the cards that we had for sale this time last year. It's faster and cheaper than the 2070 Super launched at and that was before shipping increased tenfold. By those metrics it's a good deal, the price isn't terrible. People expected too much based on these absolute BS "MSRPs", the fact that they expect a board partner to design their own PCB, fit more VRMs, a better cooler and then ship them by air around the world, still getting close to that price...that's the real ****show in my opinion.
People comparing pricing vs cards launched 5-10 years ago are ignoring two key things;
1) these cards are more complex, have bigger coolers and more components
2) global inflation has happened...and continues to happen
Nvidia and AMD should have been more honest to protect their partners, instead of entering into a phoney price war with each other...that's my genuine viewpoint.
I'm not arguing with you, or anybody for that matter, that the current market rates for these cards are stupid. My argument is that £530 is a terrible price for an overclocked, top notch 6700 XT...anyone who thinks that is not grasping the reality tree..
I've spent the las hour arguing with a brand about a £100 price hike on a 3080 since last month. I'm as frustrated with the whole situation as anybody.