Q9650 E0 Testing

it will reduce the lifespan but people are far too paranoid tbh.

There's that guy on XS who started running a few folding machines about 2 months ago with E8500s at crazy voltages like 2.0vtt, 1.6vcore......and he's shut them off and restarted them to test both oc and stock settings and they are all still working just fine.

That said, I put the limit at about 1.45vcore on my chips and have never needed more than about 1.26-1.28 VTT.....and for my E0 q9650 I am not needing much voltage at all.... testing 4.288ghz 1.308vcore, 1.28VTT and seems stable so far after about 45min of prime and 1 hour of CoD4
Any more results guys - i'm thinking about 'downgrading' but until i see something like 4.4-4.6Ghz prime stable at < 1.5 vcore it's probably not worth it.
it will reduce the lifespan but people are far too paranoid tbh.

There's that guy on XS who started running a few folding machines about 2 months ago with E8500s at crazy voltages like 2.0vtt, 1.6vcore......and he's shut them off and restarted them to test both oc and stock settings and they are all still working just fine.

Cant believe i did this but here goes.

Just installed everest to see what volts im using and what a shock, it said my fsb vtt was 2V !!!!! Rebooted in a panic and somehow it was set 2V in the bios.

Will have to re-test mine now for peace of mind but i've been running that voltage for a week now and it has hasnt died, maybe some chips are more sensitive than others :confused:
lol dont ask, Looks like i set the vtt to 2v instead of the dram but its been priming ever since with everything on auto so hopefully it hasnt done too much harm ...

What motherboard you using? Best setting your bios manually, I think nearly all Asus motherboards use high voltages on Auto settings - the Asus P5Q Deluxe for sure.

Asus are pricks, setting high voltages with auto settings, no wonder everyones cpu's are dying.
Cant believe i did this but here goes.

Just installed everest to see what volts im using and what a shock, it said my fsb vtt was 2V !!!!! Rebooted in a panic and somehow it was set 2V in the bios.

Will have to re-test mine now for peace of mind but i've been running that voltage for a week now and it has hasnt died, maybe some chips are more sensitive than others :confused:

LOL - note to self...

When Tatts put his Q9650 for sale in Member Market, must not buy it! :)
They are nice, i just wish my motherboard would hit 500FSB. I sort of fancy 4.5Ghz now 4.0Ghz is so easy :)

Run some stabilty testing today.

Hi Devious,

I was wondering could you do me a massive favour and post down your motherboard settings?
Just received my 9650 and want to know what sort of settings to use. . .
If you could help me out here it would be most appreciated!

Extreme Tweaker
Ai Overclock Tuner : Manual
OC From CPU Level Up : AUTO
CPU Ratio Control : Manual
- Ratio CMOS Setting :
FSB Frequency :
FSB Strap to North Bridge :
PCI-E Frequency:
DRAM Frequency: DDR2-
DRAM Command Rate :
DRAM Timing Control: Manual
CAS# Latency :
RAS# to CAS# Delay :
RAS# Precharge :
RAS# ActivateTime :
RAS# to RAS# Delay :
Row Refresh Cycle Time :
Write Recovery Time :
Read to Precharge Time :

Read to Write Delay (S/D) :
Write to Read Delay (S) :
Write to Read Delay (D) :
Read to Read Delay (S) :
Read to Read Delay (D) :
Write to Write Delay (S) :
Write to Write Delay (D) :
DRAM Static Read Control:
Ai Clock Twister :
Transaction Booster :

CPU Voltage :
CPU PLL Voltage :
North Bridge Voltage :
DRAM Voltage :
FSB Termination Voltage :
South Bridge Voltage :
Loadline Calibration :
CPU GTL Reference :
North Bridge GTL Reference :
DDR2 Channel A REF Voltage :
DDR2 Channel B REF Voltage :
DDR2 Controller REF Voltage :
SB 1.5V Voltage :

NB LED Selection : NB Volt
SB LED Selection : SB Volt
CPU LED Selection : CPU VOlt
Voltiminder LED :

CPU Spread Spectrum : Disabled
PCIE Spread Spectrum : Disabled

Advanced CPU Configuration
CPU Ratio Control : Manual
- Ratio CMOS Setting :
C1E Suppport : Disabled
CPU TM Function : Disabled
Vanderpool Technology : Disabled
Execute Disable Bit : Disabled
Max CPUID Value Limit : Disabled

USB Configuration
USB Functions: Enabled
Legacy USB Support : Disabled
I didnt really have to tweak anything much to get to 4ghz

Extreme Tweaker
Ai Overclock Tuner : Manual
OC From CPU Level Up : AUTO
CPU Ratio Control : 9
- Ratio CMOS Setting :
FSB Frequency : 333
FSB Strap to North Bridge :
PCI-E Frequency: 101
DRAM Frequency: DDR2- 1068
DRAM Command Rate : 2
DRAM Timing Control: Manual
CAS# Latency : 5
RAS# to CAS# Delay : 5
RAS# Precharge : 5
RAS# ActivateTime : 15
RAS# to RAS# Delay : AUT0
Row Refresh Cycle Time : AUT0
Write Recovery Time : AUT0
Read to Precharge Time : AUT0

Read to Write Delay (S/D) : AUT0
Write to Read Delay (S) : AUT0
Write to Read Delay (D) : AUT0
Read to Read Delay (S) : AUT0
Read to Read Delay (D) : AUT0
Write to Write Delay (S) : AUT0
Write to Write Delay (D) : AUT0
DRAM Static Read Control: AUT0
Ai Clock Twister : LIGHT
Transaction Booster : OFF

CPU Voltage : 1.2315
CPU PLL Voltage : 1.5
North Bridge Voltage : 1.26
DRAM Voltage : 2.1
FSB Termination Voltage : 1.26
South Bridge Voltage : AUTO
Loadline Calibration : ENABLED
CPU GTL Reference : AUTO
North Bridge GTL Reference : AUTO
DDR2 Channel A REF Voltage : AUTO
DDR2 Channel B REF Voltage : AUTO
DDR2 Controller REF Voltage : AUTO
SB 1.5V Voltage : AUTO

NB LED Selection : NB Volt
SB LED Selection : SB Volt
CPU LED Selection : CPU VOlt
Voltiminder LED :

CPU Spread Spectrum : Disabled
PCIE Spread Spectrum : Disabled

Advanced CPU Configuration
CPU Ratio Control : Manual
- Ratio CMOS Setting :
C1E Suppport : Disabled
CPU TM Function : Disabled
Vanderpool Technology : Disabled
Execute Disable Bit : Disabled
Max CPUID Value Limit : Disabled

USB Configuration
USB Functions: Enabled
Legacy USB Support : Disabled
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