Quake champions

Those who have had access, how is it? Can you see it making it onto an esports scene? Would love to see it.
Might jump in later - got so many things I should be doing today don't want to end up spending way too much time playing it lol.
Finally got a key! My Quake stills have massively dwindled. I was a huge Quake 3 fan and pretty good at it, this, not so much :p. I played so much Quake 3 I can still remember my CD key off by heart - there was a bug which required you to constantly reenter it :o.

If you have symbols in your Bethseda password you'll likely get an error when trying to login to the game, if so change your password to letters and numbers only.
wow! I'm somewhat of a quake noob on pc (I had the dreamcast version lol) and man does it show! I have had 2 games so far and in the first game I got 3/15 kill/death and second game 3/12 lol

I will say its great fun and I am enjoying it but man I find it hard! I was much much better in the unreal free beta than this
Anyone disappointed by the graphics? I'm running @ 1080p, Ultra with V-Sync on. It's buttery smooth but looks like I'm running at 640x480. The textures looks very blurred, almost like there is some interlacing going on. Just me?

Edit - Hang on, just noticed that the resolution texture was set to 60% Just went up to 100% and looks like it should!
i think it runs ok for a beta, some games I'm constant over 100fps maxed out but others get weird lags, its a beta though so guess should expect it, just had my best game...I got....4 kills lol
Also, just checked the recommended settings, and I have them! My rig is about five years old now! Either this game is really well coded, or my rig is spectacular value for money. Either way, good!

How are people finding this plays?
yep I'm loving it although I'm terrible at it lol I cant play for long stints and just have a quick game or 2 before I quit, seems like its going to be a GREAT game though :)
It's pretty much exactly what i hoped it would be. Q3 on steroids with a vastly better UI and match making.
Runs fantastically fast and feels great to play, it should be a huge success.
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