Quick Coupe, approx 220-250bhp 5k

eracer2006 said:
Obviously you have never owned one then, youll be good to see 30mpg, oil changes every 5k miles, etc etc.

True but they are cheap to run compared to a rx7 that has been posted and possibly very similar to a mr2 trubo (same engine). :)
paradigm said:
Oh the ironing.



A well maintained Fiat is perfectly reliable. The only problem is that to get to replace some of the parts which tend to be wearing out at around this age, you have to take a fair bit of the engine bay out.

Other than that, parts aren't really more than any other car. Reliability is directly related to how well its been looked after.

You could buy a BMW thats never had an oilchange etc.
Some good suggestions here :) I like the idea of the M3, but I would be willing to stretch upwards to around 7kish to get a decent model but I don't really want to be spending more than 5 if i can help it.

It's going to be a hard choice, but I've got a while to think about it so i'm glad I'm getting ideas.

I like the ideas of the MR2, Celica, M3 the most so far, I don't like the exterior of the Fiat and not sure about Skyline etc, surely a decent one couldn't be picked up for that cash?
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