Quiet fans

19 Oct 2005
Chelmsford Essex
What are the best ones for being quiet? I recently got one of the new Silent X fans and I must say I'm very impressed. However I need to get 80mm one and maybe another 120mm if I get another module for my stacker. If there are any better out there please tell me.
marc mercer said:
Nexus 120mm no question

ok not heard about these ones, do they produce 80mm ones too?

The other thing about silent x is that they seem pricey.

I'll have a lookee for these Nexus fans now.


Stats seem to show the silent X push more air and are a few DB quieter.

Have you used both mate?
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dont believe the silenx specs. If you want 80mm the Xilence look pretty good. and very cheap (about 4 quid) or the akasa ambers
Raikiri said:
dont believe the silenx specs. If you want 80mm the Xilence look pretty good. and very cheap (about 4 quid) or the akasa ambers

Ok i'll have a look for those. The Stats I got were from a competitor (shame OCUK don't stock more fans :( ) so don't know if they are good or not :confused: This 120mm one I did buy is certainly very good.
Nexus is the only one to go for, there are other options but they are harder to get hold of..

Sam C
samcat said:
Nexus is the only one to go for, there are other options but they are harder to get hold of..

Sam C

Such as mate? I'm really keen to find and get the best.
just got a 120mm akasa amber today and its a lot quieter than my standard fans, now just to butcher 2x80mm fan mountings into 1x120mm mounting, where's them holecutters and my drill!!!!!
Looks like Akasa ambers are favourate then!! lol. At least there are a few options to try.

Cheers for the reccs
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I liked the Ambers too. You'll never get everybody to agree on which are the 'best' though. I wish a hardware review site would do the definitive benchtest on a wide range of fans to answer the questions once and for all. Wonder how many fans are louser/less efficient than the quoted figures?
Dirk said:
I liked the Ambers too. You'll never get everybody to agree on which are the 'best' though. I wish a hardware review site would do the definitive benchtest on a wide range of fans to answer the questions once and for all. Wonder how many fans are louser/less efficient than the quoted figures?
True but I guess fans aren't really that interesting to play with are they!! lol.
glitch said:
What about 60mm? Where are the quiet versions for those of us who need tiddly fans?

you can get 60mm akasa amber's but just not from here.


Dim: 60 x 60 x 25mm
Rated speed: 2300 R.P.M.
Sound: 23.0 dB(A)
Air flow: 12.9 CFM
Bearing: Twin ball bearing
Life expentancy: 80,000/ hrs

hope that helps.
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